10 SURE Ways on How to Fight Discouragement

Written by Herve da Costa

10 Sure Ways to Fight Discouragement

Sometimes your actions do not yieldrepparttar results you want and discouragement kicks in. Getting out of it is about shifting your state of mind and not staying stuck in it. Here are 10 sure ways of eliminating discouragement quickly:

TIP #1: Don’t resist being discouraged.

Don’t resist being discouraged. Onrepparttar 103831 contrary, feel it, be self-honest and acknowledge that you are. Spend 5 minutes writing down allrepparttar 103832 reasons why you are discouraged. This will be valuable data for updating and refining your personal action plan later.

TIP #2: Remember

Remember that you have made it so far and take 5-10 minutes to list your accomplishments inrepparttar 103833 past 6 months

TIP #3: List

Take 5 minutes to list allrepparttar 103834 things you are grateful for in your life. I love doing that one!

TIP #4: Get Healthy

Make sure that you are not tired physically or sick. If you are, go to bed early and take care of yourself. Get healthy and catch up on sleep

TIP #5: Congratulate

First thing inrepparttar 103835 morning, call and congratulate 5 people on something that you like about them. Make it short and sweet. This technique can be amazingly effective. And, you will make friends.

TIP #6: Get Busy

Inrepparttar 103836 storm,repparttar 103837 real fighters like you keep paddling. Get busy: do 5 small quick things. The goal here is to remain active. Do 5 simple things that are related to your project: clean up your desk quick, confirm an appointment, and look up a web site of a potential employer or client. Each action should take 2-3 minutes. Stay simple and concise.

TIP #7: Learn Something

Learn something: read an article, a chapter in a personal growth book, take an evening class; not only will you learn new tools but you will also meet fighters like you. Team up with them.


Written by Dorene Lehavi

A series of articles exploringrepparttar seven critical areas that can indicate a partnership is in trouble. The 6th C: Changing Vision In order for a business to be a successrepparttar 103830 vision and mission must be reflected in all aspects ofrepparttar 103831 structure,repparttar 103832 culture andrepparttar 103833 strategy by which business is conducted. Contained in these are core values and principles set forth byrepparttar 103834 owners and leaders. If there are discrepancies between any of these, I can assure you there will be problems. There are two parts to vision. One isrepparttar 103835 partners' vision forrepparttar 103836 business andrepparttar 103837 other is each partner's personal vision for their life. The personal vision of each should be in sync withrepparttar 103838 vision ofrepparttar 103839 business and enhance it. Obviously it is important to have clarity of both before enteringrepparttar 103840 partnership and to revisit them periodically as they may change over time. For example, Justin and Romero were partners in a chain of do-it -yourself stores for about 15 years. The visionrepparttar 103841 business fulfilled was to provide easy access to low cost supplies for homeowners in various locales who were involved in do-it-yourself home fix up projects. One-stop shopping at discounted prices. They were quite successful and overrepparttar 103842 years added a significant number of stores to their chain. There was a 20 year age difference betweenrepparttar 103843 partners, and that seemed to have served them well. Justin was younger and more of a risk taker; Romero was more cautious. They respected each other's opinion and were able to create a balance in their decision making aroundrepparttar 103844 business. Investments of profits, adding new stores, dealing with suppliers, changing their inventory focus based on changing markets overrepparttar 103845 years were easy discussions for them. About 15 years later Justin decided it was time to take some major risks by adding additional services such as a food and household supply division and a pharmacy. Justin was interested in a much broader base of customers. This would not only changerepparttar 103846 focus of their clientele, but also vendors, marketing strategy and ultimately taking risks previously avoided. Atrepparttar 103847 same time, Justin was eagerly ready to move into this new level of business, Romero was thinking of retirement. He was becoming more cautious and did not want to forge ahead with new risks. Obviouslyrepparttar 103848 changing perspective ofrepparttar 103849 partners' personal goals created a dichotomy of opinion regardingrepparttar 103850 previous agreement ofrepparttar 103851 purpose and vision forrepparttar 103852 business. The resolution emerged through coaching sessions. The communication betweenrepparttar 103853 partners had always been open and respectful of each other. So in this situationrepparttar 103854 goal of finding a win/win resolution and a carefully crafted plan designed to endrepparttar 103855 partnership was not too difficult. A buy-out of Romero based on their original agreement with some new amendments took place and Justin found a new partner with whom he could implement his plan forrepparttar 103856 future. In another example, Thomas and Fred were excited to be launching a new internet business. The vision forrepparttar 103857 business was to provide a unique means of networking geared to members ofrepparttar 103858 fitness industry. It would enable people in that industry to find both employment and services supporting their industry. It also allowed new participants to feature their products. A particular mode of qualifying forrepparttar 103859 service would insurerepparttar 103860 trustworthiness of those benefiting fromrepparttar 103861 service.

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