10 Steps to Getting Paid for Your Marketing Materials

Written by Paulette Ensign

How many times have you heardrepparttar same sound bites come out of your mouth to your clients, prospects, and audiences, almost boring yourself to tears inrepparttar 120376 process? Imagine generating money directly from those sound bites, from those pearls of wisdom that effortlessly trip off your tongue. Yes, it is completely possible, and here’s how to do it.

1.Capture those tidbits of information as soon as they come to mind. Jot them down in a notebook or get them into a Word document. They can be in a raw format, with just enough information to jog your thinking about what you mean. There will be time to refine them later. 2.Let a couple weeks go by, allowing most ofrepparttar 120377 information to surface in your thoughts. It rarely happens by declaring two hours on a Thursday afternoon to sit at your computer to think of it all. 3.Refine and organizerepparttar 120378 tips. Divide them into categories and editrepparttar 120379 text. Use a writing style similar to what you are reading here. 4.Be sure to include your contact details so readers can easily reach you. Add a brief section about your background so people will know your qualifications for presentingrepparttar 120380 information. 5.Hire a graphic designer to makerepparttar 120381 words look good onrepparttar 120382 page. Your completed product will be a tips booklet measuring about 3 ½ inches by 8 ½ inches when printed. The designer will create their part ofrepparttar 120383 finished product as a PDF file. 6.Sendrepparttar 120384 PDF file from your graphic designer to a printing company. Do an initial print run of 1,000 copies.

7 Powerful Marketing Tips To Ignite Your Sales

Written by Ken Hill

1. Publish an ezine. Your ezine will give you a very effective way to get more repeat traffic, build up your credibility, and increase your sales.

Make your ezine into a source of useful, original information by writing your own articles or by providing your subscribers with your own tips and advice.

This will help you to build up your subscribers' confidence in you, increase your sales, and increaserepparttar power of your recommendations when endorsingrepparttar 120375 products of affiliate programs you've joined to your subscribers.

2. Create ebooks.

Your ebooks will help you get more repeat traffic to your site and can also be used as a bonus for subscribing to your ezine.

Your ebooks could be a collection of your articles, resources, interviews with experts in your field, or you could write up a tutorial or guide that focuses onrepparttar 120376 needs of your target market.

Offer your ebook on your site and submit it to ebook directories.

Also try participating in ebook swaps where you agree to offer another webmaster's ebook on your site in exchange for her offering your ebook on her site.

3. Offer an affiliate program to your visitors and customers.

Make your affiliate program more appetizing by paying your affiliates a high commission, and by offering them plenty of resources they can use to start referring sales to you.

For example, you could provide them with sample ads, recommendations, and banner/button ads.

You could also provide them with your articles that they can post with their affiliate URLs in your resource box as well as ebooks that they can rebrand with their affiliate URLs and give away to their visitors.

4. Track and test your promotional activities.

Tracking your promotional techniques will increase your profits by ensuring that you know exactly which methods work best in getting you more new business.

Tracking your promotions will also help you to identify which techniques are ineffectual in getting you more sales, saving you time and money.

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