10 Steps to Success in Love and Marriage

Written by Alex Mugume

This new book provides you withrepparttar essential dating knowledge you need to empower you to make smarter decisions. It teaches you how to managerepparttar 111114 risks and uncertainties in a love relationship. The secrets have less to do with luck. Marriage is all predictable. You do not have to fail in your love relationship again. You can learn allrepparttar 111115 root causes of marital failure, manage allrepparttar 111116 root causes of those risks, and maximizerepparttar 111117 odds of achieving your desired marital

Math or Magic?

Written by Kenneth Williams

As someone once said: "There's an easy way to do something, and an unlimited number of difficult ways".

Take simple division, for example:

Suppose you need to divide 43 by 9.

The answer is 4 (the first figure of 43) andrepparttar remainder is 7 (4 + 3).

Similarly 35 divided by 9 is 3 remainder 8.

Inrepparttar 111113 Vedic system we userepparttar 111114 natural properties of numbers.

The number 9 hasrepparttar 111115 property that it is 1 below 10. So every 10 contains one 9 and one remainder.

Therefore, in 40, there will be 4 nines and 4 remainder. and so in 43 there must be 4 nines and 7 remainder.

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