10 Steps to Internet Success

Written by Duane Marx

Continued from page 1

6) ‘Payment Processor’ - To collect money for your products you will need a payment processor. Make sure that you accept credit cards because most transactions will be made with them. But you should also consider other options as well, like accepting checks and money orders. And you may want to use PayPal. The more ways you can collect moneyrepparttar more sales you’ll make. And if you’re selling a digital product you may want to use ClickBank.

7) ‘Autoresponder’ - If you want to make your internet business easier, then you’ll want to automate as much as possible by using an autoresponder. You can automate a lot of your every day business tasks leaving more time for you to concentrate on more important things. Here are a few examples: send out email advertisements to everyone on your list at predetermined intervals. Automaterepparttar 119677 delivery of several different mini courses all at once. Send out sequential emails automatically whenever someone buys one of your products. Have all of your digital products sent out automatically. And with an autoresponder you can collect names and email addresses and add them to your list of customers and much, much more.

8) ‘Free Advertising’ - This may be a good way to start out if you are limited on funds. But this will be slower than paid advertising and will take a lot more time. And time is money so figure out how much you’re worth and monitor your time. If you are spending a lot of time with free advertising and not gettingrepparttar 119678 results you like, then you may want to try something else. Keep in mind when using free advertising someone else may also place their ad with yours and this is not very professional. Also when you join these free advertising lists it usually means everyone on that list can send free advertising to you. So you may get a lot of unwanted emails.

9) ‘Paid Advertising’ - You may get better results with paid advertising. And at first you may think blasting your ad to as many people as possible will make yourepparttar 119679 most money. But this really isn’t a good idea for a couple of reasons. First a lot of people won’t have an interest in your product so they’ll probably not even read your ad. And second you may be accused of spamming which is something you never want to do. So always try placing ads with your specific targeted group. And always test your results to make sure that its cost efficient.

10) ‘Collect a List’ - This gets 5 stars. Start collecting your list of names and email addresses as soon as possible, add to your list often, and cherish your list because it will make you money over and over again. Whenever you need extra money you can send an email promoting a product to your list. So you’ll want to collect names and emails addresses by offering free e-books or a mini course, by having them join your newsletter and of course whenever they buy your great product.

And remember to always invest in yourself. Invest your money for quality information that will help expand your business, and invest your time to thoroughly readrepparttar 119680 information.

Copyright © Duane Marx

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Duane Marx For a list of internet marketing resources and other free marketing tips please visit: www.internet-checklist.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

You have permission to publish this article electronically or in print, free of charge, as long asrepparttar 119681 bylines are included.

Duane Marx For a list of internet marketing resources and other free marketing tips please visit: www.internet-checklist.com

Using a Marketing Calendar Template

Written by Nick Smith

Continued from page 1
calendar is that it takes what could berepparttar impossible task of keeping track of and following up on all your marketing endeavors, and it breaks it up into one week chunks. This feature allows you to focus on each marketing activity andrepparttar 119676 results it produces.

The prospect of launching an online marketing campaign, billboard and bus stop banners, and newspaper advertisements all atrepparttar 119677 same time is formidable at best and impossible at worst! Unless you absolutely cannot afford to wait one more week to launch them all, try phasing them in one at a time. The marketing calendar template will help you keep track of what is going on, and where you need to turn your attention next.

Evaluating Your Campaign

During and after every marketing endeavor you perform each week, fill outrepparttar 119678 important spaces on your calendar template. When you receiverepparttar 119679 results of that specific campaign (i.e. more visitors to your site or more customers purchasingrepparttar 119680 advertised product, etc.), compare it to other advertisement venues or practices you have tried. Was it more or less successful? Did it producerepparttar 119681 desired result? What was your return on investment for this particular campaign? Did it improve your bottom line? Without keeping careful track of each activity and its results it would be difficult to answer these questions. And if you can't answer these questions you'll never know if you're throwing money away each month, or under-investing in advertising that could be giving you a huge ROI.

In addition to constantly evaluatingrepparttar 119682 specific advertisements and marketing campaigns you run, it will be helpful to systematically reevaluate your target audience. As your business grows and develops throughoutrepparttar 119683 years,repparttar 119684 products you sell orrepparttar 119685 services you provide may evolve from one demographic to another. Never get too comfortable with your marketing strategy - be alert of changes in technology and techniques that can benefit you and your company and take advantage of those resources.

Launching a successful marketing campaign for your small and home business can be difficult, but it is not impossible. Properly creating, implementing, and evaluating your marketing strategy may berepparttar 119686 last three steps you need to take to move into Porsche's target demographic.

Nick Smith is a client account specialist with 10x Marketing - More Visitors. More Buyers. More Revenue. For organizational software that includes a calendar template, check out Agilix GoBinder.

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