10 Tips to Stay Safe and Secure Online

Written by Steve Robson

Continued from page 1

Tip 5 - Include non-alphabetic characters

Adding numbers and non-alphabetic characters (like a hyphen) to your password makes it less likely to be cracked than something purely alphabetic.

Tip 6 - Don't write it down

This should be obvious but it's amazing how many scraps of paper surroundrepparttar world's PCs.

Tip 7 - Assign a different password to each login id

If thieves get hold of your password, they'll try it in every online system available. Use a separate password at each website and you won't have all your eggs in one basket.

Tip 8 - Employ a password manager

Remembering multiple secure passwords can be challenging. Specialist software like http://www.robo-form.com manages your passwords securely and automatesrepparttar 118696 login process.

Tip 9 - Logout when you're done

Always hitrepparttar 118697 logout button when you've finished using a secure site like online banking.

Tip 10 - Close that browser

Web pages and passwords can be cached inrepparttar 118698 browser, so close down your browser window for added security.

Follow these simple common-sense tips and you'll enjoy greater online security while benefiting fromrepparttar 118699 many advantagesrepparttar 118700 Internet has brought.

Steve Robson is a successful technical author and contributor to 'How To Buy A Laptop.com' - the definitive online guide for buying a laptop computer. Check out: http://HowToBuyALaptop.com

Tips and Tricks To Getting Top Money for your Domain Names

Written by Dayne Herren

Continued from page 1

2. Sell it on Domain Sites

The only sites you should even consider putting your name up for sale is on ebay.com, Afternic, or Sedo. These arerepparttar most popular and where some huge sales have taken place. The only downside is that there are high numbers of domains already for sale and usuallyrepparttar 118695 site will get a commission of something around 10%. There also may be a small fee to join. Appraisal Blast charges a minimal fee but no commission. Your domain will get more exposure there just because there aren't hundreds of domains for sale. You may also have luck selling it on forums such as DomainState. The prices of sales there seem to be lower.

3. Contact Large Businesses with Deep Pockets

This approach takes some time and patience. Let's say you have acquired a great domain name that would work great for any business inrepparttar 118696 field ofrepparttar 118697 stock market. You may want to locate some ofrepparttar 118698 bigger sites or businesses and make an offer to sell your domain name. Make surerepparttar 118699 name you own doens't have any elements that are already trademarked because you may be forced to give uprepparttar 118700 name. You may want to go onrepparttar 118701 Internet and look up current websites that deal with stocks and find ones that don't haverepparttar 118702 greatest domain names. Make offers to these sites stating how your domain is much better and will HELP them. If you get a company to bite,repparttar 118703 rewards are usually very generous!

In summary, selling domains for high amounts of cash depends on two key elements. First you must have a quality domain, one that doesn't have numbers or isn't too long. It must be clear and easily recognizable. ".com" isrepparttar 118704 best, but even domains such asrepparttar 118705 ".us" are gaining popularity. The second key is Marketing, Marketing, Marketing! I can't stress that enough. You have to create a good reason for someone to buy your domain. How can THEY benefit from it. When these two steps are fulfilled, a sale is almost guaranteed!

About The Author Dayne Herren is a domain seller and buyer, web developer, and artist. Find out if your domain name is worth THOUSANDS at AppraisalBlast.com

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