12-month 2005 Marketing Calendar that Boost Sales

Written by Sharron Senter

Continued from page 1

JANUARY - New Year's Day, andrepparttar proceeding two weeks -- Launch your marketing messagesrepparttar 119953 last week of December. - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day -- Although not a big gift-giving time, this is a great time to spread a non- profit message.

FEBRUARY - Valentine's Day -- Launch your marketing messagesrepparttar 119954 last week in January. **Popular Gift- giving Time** - President's Day

MARCH - St. Patrick's Day

APRIL - April Fools Day - Daylight Savings Begins - Easter **Popular Gift-giving Time** - Secretaries Days **Popular Gift-giving Time**

MAY - Mother's Day -- Launch your marketing messages approximately 3 weeks before. **Popular Gift-giving Time** - Memorial Day

JUNE - Father's Day **Popular Gift-giving Time** Launch your marketing messages approximately 3 weeks before. - Graduation **Popular Gift-giving Time** Launch your marketing messages approximately 3 weeks before.

JULY - Independence Day - Back to School -- Although not a holiday, it's certainly a popular time to find wallets open and increased spending, particularly by moms and teenagers.

AUGUST - Dog days of summer - Back to School continued

SEPTEMBER - Back to School -- Marketing messages can continue throughrepparttar 119955 first week of September. - Labor Day - Grandparent's Day

OCTOBER - Columbus Day - Halloween **Popular Gift-giving Time** - Holiday preparation should be 1/4 completed, seriously. Launch your first holiday message immediately after Halloween. This message will generally go to your current customer base, offering them an exclusive early-bird holiday special to expire in early November. - Daylight Savings Ends

NOVEMBER - Thanksgiving **Popular Gift-giving Time** - Your Holiday advertising is in full swing - Election Day - Veteran's Day

DECEMBER - Christmas Day **Popular Gift-giving Time** - Hanukkah **Popular Gift-giving Time** - New Year's Eve -- Launch New Year's message laterepparttar 119956 second week in December.

About the Author:

Sharron Senter is a New-England based marketing consultant, speaker, writer and founder of Senter & Associates, a marketing communications firm that helps small businesses deploy low-cost online and offline marketing tactics. Senter is well known for her free monthly emailed marketing tips found at http://www.sharronsenter.com

Marketing 2005

Written by Harry Hoover

Continued from page 1

Finally, here is a random list of other items that can be considered part of your marketing arsenal.

- your reputation - advertising - consultations, demonstrations, seminars, samples - community involvement, cause marketing, philanthropy - media contacts, bylined articles, op-ed pieces - guest speaking program - great working environment - employee development program - networking, referrals - contests - customer surveys - special events

If your time for 2005 marketing related tasks is limited, take some advice from my marketing mentor: pick three things from above and do them right.

Harry Hoover is managing principal of Hoover ink PR, http://www.hoover-ink.com. He has 26 years of experience in crafting and delivering bottom line messages that ensure success for serious businesses like Brent Dees Financial Planning, Duke Energy, Levolor, North Carolina Tourism, Ty Boyd Executive Learning Systems, VELUX and Verbatim.

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