12 Steps To Financial Freedom

Written by Achoenweli Opute

Continued from page 1

(8)Thoun shall get a lawyer to put your will together. This is a reasonable step to take if you don't want to leave sorrow for your loved ones.

(9)Thou shall also take an insurance policy to absorb any unexpected emergencies.

(10)Thou shall develop alternative sources of income to your salaries. You cannot be wealthy by working for your boss alone. Use your spare time profitably.

(11)Thou shall take your spouse into consideration in any financial decisions you want to make. This can save you from unnecessary heartaches and headaches.

(12)Thou shall act on allrepparttar steps above if you want to achieve FINANCIAL FREEDOM.

They look very simple but that is where your true financial freedom and salvation lies.

I lay emphasis on all 12 steps but more on steps 3 and 10 above, as it is most demanding and practical for your financial freedom indeed.

There are millions of businesses to invest in, butrepparttar 112597 very ones I recommend, you can start with little or no capital. I call itrepparttar 112598 *Internet Marketing Business Investments*.

There are fortunes onrepparttar 112599 internet and you too can become a PART of it; if you WILL, you CAN.

See you atrepparttar 112600 top.


Achoenweli .O.Opute

(Ceo - Netright International)(www.netrightinfo.netfirms.com)

You can subscribe to get my FREE newsletter by simply sending an email to achodiks@yahoo.com with your name, email address andrepparttar 112601 subject "FREE NEWSLETTER"

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Achoenweli Opute is an internet marketer and has helped many people to make it on the internet as he has sold many thousands of products online. He is the Ceo Netright International

SWOT Analysis

Written by Chris Mallon

Continued from page 1


We shift our focus to external factors when we look at opportunities. Here we try to identify areas of business we thinkrepparttar company is looking to enter, or should be looking to enter. We also look for opportunities to gain market share from competitors, or growrepparttar 112596 company’s market to new customers.

But there are more than just external opportunities. There are opportunities within a company that should be considered. Canrepparttar 112597 company combine product lines to increase sales? Mayberepparttar 112598 company has duplicate costs that can be streamlined. Companies can always find ways to do things better.

Some opportunities to look for: •New markets for products •Financial or legal trouble for competitors •New technologiesrepparttar 112599 company could adopt •Changes in regulatory / tax burdens •Strategic investments •Internal efficiencies


Finally, we need to consider threats torepparttar 112600 company. Again, threats can be internal as well as external. In fact, I’ve found that internal threats usually come first, which opensrepparttar 112601 door to external threats. Therefore, it’s important to do a good threat analysis.

Internal threats aren’t usually classified as such, which I think is a mistake. Any internal problem is a threat torepparttar 112602 company’s well-being and should be evaluated alongsiderepparttar 112603 external threats. For example, a company that relies on developing innovative products, such as Microsoft or Intel, facesrepparttar 112604 threat of losing engineering talent every day. This is an internal threat that could easily paverepparttar 112605 way for external threats.

Some possible threats are: •Internal obstaclesrepparttar 112606 company is facing. •Financial constraints onrepparttar 112607 company. •Cash flow problems. •The relative position ofrepparttar 112608 company’s largest competitors. •Technological advances inrepparttar 112609 industry (ifrepparttar 112610 company isn’t keeping pace). •New technologies that threaten to displacerepparttar 112611 company’s products. SWOT analysis is a brainstorming activity, and you should learn from it. Focus onrepparttar 112612 weaknesses andrepparttar 112613 threats when doing SWOT, because that’s what will turn around and bite you after you make your investment. I’m not saying you should look only forrepparttar 112614 negatives, and ignorerepparttar 112615 company’s potential. But you should analyzerepparttar 112616 risks with as much, or more, scrutiny thenrepparttar 112617 opportunities. Opportunities don’t always show up, but somehow risks always do.

Chris Mallon is the editor and publisher of the Undervalued Weekly, a financial analysis newsletter. Chris holds a Master of Science in Finance and is the leading analyst for the Dynamic Investors partnership. He is available at chrismallon@dynamicinvestors.net or the through the website at www.dynamicinvestors.net/index8.html.

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