12 Ways to be a Confident Public Speaker

Written by Sandra Schrift

Continued from page 1

5. Focus on your audience. [It is NOT about you. You are there to help your audience]

6. Simplify. Use your time wisely and keep your presentation clear and simple so that your audience can understand what you are saying.

7. Connect with your audience. Look people inrepparttar eye, one at a time, as you speak to them. The audience wants you to succeed.

8. Act confident. Smile. Hold your chin up. Stick your chest out. When you do this, you will feel confident. Remember, YOU arerepparttar 104305 authority onrepparttar 104306 subject and they want to hear what you have to say.

9. Use humor wherever possible.

10. Offerrepparttar 104307 right message mix (inform, persuade, entertain, interact)

11. Establish credibility byrepparttar 104308 use of facts, statistics, and stories.

12. Learn from your mistakes. Making mistakes is part of your learning process. Scott Adams, creator of Dilbert, said, “Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.”

Sandra Schrift 13 year speaker bureau owner and now career coach to emerging and veteran public speakers who want to "grow" a profitable speaking business. I also work with business professionals and organizations who want to master their presentations. To find out How to Become a Highly Paid Professional Speaker, go to http://www.schrift.com/ProfessionalSpeaker/ Join my free bi-weekly Monday Morning Mindfulness ezine http://www.schrift.com/monday.htm

Book Summary: The E-Myth Revisited

Written by Regine Azurin

Continued from page 1

The Business Development Process The business development process isrepparttar response torepparttar 104304 unending dynamism ofrepparttar 104305 business world. It equipsrepparttar 104306 entrepreneur withrepparttar 104307 necessary tools to preemptrepparttar 104308 continuous changes happening around. The process is comprised of three elemental stages: innovation, quantification and orchestration.

The business development program requiresrepparttar 104309 following aspects to be defined: Your Primary Aim. The owner’s primary aim should center on what he really wishes, needs and wants for his life. Defining this will pushrepparttar 104310 owner to pursue his defined entrepreneurial dreams.

Your Strategic Objectives. This contains standards that help repparttar 104311 owner achieve his goals for his business. This should answerrepparttar 104312 question: What purpose will this serve my primary aim?

Your Organizational Strategy. Business owners should learn how to appreciaterepparttar 104313 value of organizational structures. Some points to consider are organizing around personalities, organizing your company, and position contract.

Your Management Strategy. Asrepparttar 104314 owner you should recognize repparttar 104315 truth thatrepparttar 104316 successful implementation of a management strategy is not dependent onrepparttar 104317 people who could implement it but onrepparttar 104318 system instead.

Your People Strategy. This refers torepparttar 104319 approach you take towards your people and their work. To make people appreciate repparttar 104320 work they do, you should make them understandrepparttar 104321 idea behind each of their task assignments.

Your Marketing Strategy. Here isrepparttar 104322 stage where all attention suddenly shifts from owner torepparttar 104323 customer. You set aside your personal goals first and start focusing onrepparttar 104324 customer’s needs.

Your Systems Strategy. There are three kinds of systems in a business:repparttar 104325 hard systems,repparttar 104326 soft systems andrepparttar 104327 information systems. The hard systems refer to all those in your business that are inanimate and has no life. The soft systems refer to all those that could be living or inanimate. The information systems are everything else inrepparttar 104328 business that provides you with data relating to howrepparttar 104329 two earlier systems interact.

Summary By: Regine P. Azurin


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