15 Sales Incentives To Get More Orders

Written by TBA ~ Tricia, Billie and baby Ashley

Continued from page 1

12) Have a ticket contest, giving all orders an x amount of tickets. Then draw amongrepparttar tickets for prizes.

13) Do a Dollar Tree Sale

14) Find a complimentary product and sellrepparttar 127094 2 together at a discounted price.

15) Give a certain $ amount off a $20 order.

These are just a few selling incentives you can use for your business. Try to think outsiderepparttar 127095 box, give your customers an extra special reason to order from you. Use your imagination; let your mind run wild. Think ofrepparttar 127096 seasons and holidays that are coming up, get creative!

Written by TBA. TBA stands for Tricia Billie and baby Ashley. We are a mother, daughter, & granddaughter WAH team. We own and operate TBADeals.us

Difficult customers - there's no such thing

Written by Alan Fairweather

Continued from page 1
knock something offrepparttar price, isn'trepparttar 127093 answer. Sometimes you may not have an answer andrepparttar 127094 customer is going to hear "NO". However as you're aware, it's how you say "NO" that matters. Let's consider some ofrepparttar 127095 reasons customer interactions go wrong and why they may become more "difficult". * We don't care. - We don't sound or look as if we care, are concerned or appreciaterepparttar 127096 customer's situation. Maybe you do care, however you've really got to say caring words and look and sound as if you care. After all,repparttar 127097 customer can't read your mind. * We don't listen. - Too often we try to jump in with solutions and don't allowrepparttar 127098 customer to vent their feelings. Again we need to showrepparttar 127099 customer that we're listening by what we say, how we say it and our body language. * We letrepparttar 127100 customer "get to us". We often allowrepparttar 127101 customers attitude to irritate or annoy us. This becomes obvious torepparttar 127102 customer, again through our tone of voice, our body language and only fuels a difficult situation. * We userepparttar 127103 wrong words. - There are certain trigger words that cause a customer to become more difficult. Some of these are "cant, have to, sorry 'bout that". Even your organisation's jargon can have a negative effect on a customer interaction. * We don't see it fromrepparttar 127104 customer's point of view. - Too often customer service people thinkrepparttar 127105 customer is making too much of a fuss. They think - "What'srepparttar 127106 big deal, we'll fix it right away". The thing is, it is a big deal forrepparttar 127107 customer and they want us to appreciate that. Customers will often judgerepparttar 127108 level of your service based on how well you recover from a difficult situation and they're very likely to forgive you if you do it well.

Discover how you can generate more business without having to cold call! Alan Fairweather is the author of "How to get More Sales without Selling" This book is packed with practical things that you can do to – get customers to come to you . Click here now http://www.howtogetmoresales.com/Without%20Selling.htm

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