ADHD The Easy Way

Written by Dr George W Graham

Continued from page 1

The logic behind this is easy to follow.

When mold grows inrepparttar house, car or school, chemicals are given off. These chemicals are known as mycotoxins. These mycotoxins cause many different problems from cancer to dandruff.

One class of mycotoxins is called neurotoxins. These toxins affectrepparttar 114178 nervous system. They can cause hyperactivity, confusion and even hallucinations. We had one home whererepparttar 114179 family saw rats. The pest control company said they had never had rats. We removedrepparttar 114180 mold andrepparttar 114181 rats went away. Hallucinations caused by neurotoxins.

It is these mold toxins that can cause symptoms that can lead to misdiagnosis. These toxins get intorepparttar 114182 body and mimic normal chemicals that have specific functions. These normal chemicals may tell repparttar 114183 legs to move or tellrepparttar 114184 body when to calm down. If these normal chemicals are bypassed or blocked byrepparttar 114185 toxins, then weird things begin to happen inrepparttar 114186 child's world.

If your legs moved when you didn't want them to, wouldn't you be a little hard to get along with?

What isrepparttar 114187 cure?

[Let's get one thing cleared up first. Getting rid of mold will not change kids with real ADHD.] Although, it may help.

Too much moisture or too little ventilation inrepparttar 114188 building causes mold.

1. So dry outrepparttar 114189 house. Make surerepparttar 114190 vents in your attic and crawlspace are open and working.

2. Fix leaks in bathrooms and kitchens.

3. Insulate A/C ducts and water pipes.

4. Get and use dehumidifiers to dryrepparttar 114191 air.

5. Leave washer and dryers open when not in use.

6. Makerepparttar 114192 yard drain away fromrepparttar 114193 house.

Don't drug your kids. Cure their ADHDrepparttar 114194 natural way. Clean up your environment.

For 30 years, Dr Graham has been helping people treat and prevent disease by showing them how to live in a clean environment.


Written by Jane Kriese

Continued from page 1

Addressrepparttar cause ofrepparttar 114177 contributing problem i.e.; allergies, sinus infection, or throat infection and also treatrepparttar 114178 ear problem. Curerepparttar 114179 body andrepparttar 114180 ears should clear themselves. Use E.A.R. Drops; these drops are a special formula chosen to solve a wide range of ear problems from simple infections to plugged Eustachian Tubes.

Ear problems are most prevalent in children and seniors, but none of us are exempt. Poor diet and a poor immune system, can often berepparttar 114181 reason we develop ear problems. By changing our life style, we can prevent illness and have a healthy, vibrant body.

© 2005 Jane Kriese Would you like to have a Healthy Vibrant Body? Visit and register for your free news letter and alkalinity testing kit.

I am the web master for the site,, My passion is the holistic world. I love to study, and write articles, about holistic cures for life style diseases. It is exciting to educate people, and watch as they change their life style by, introducing holistic products, and new habits, into their life. The holistic world is full of hope and joy, and I believe with effort we can have a healthy vibrant body.

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