A Lasting Leadership Lesson: George Washington's Greatest Leadership Talk

Written by Brent Filson

Continued from page 1

Then, unexpectedly, he drew out a spectacle case from his pocket. Few officers had ever seen him put on spectacles. Usually a severely formal man, he said in a voice softened with apology: "Gentlemen, you will permit me to put on my spectacles, for I have not only grown gray but almost blind inrepparttar service of my country.

The deep, human, emotional power of that moment can hardly be described. It electrifiedrepparttar 119458 officers. Here was their commander who had never taken a furlough during his eight years of command, who had faced storms of musketry fire, who through his daring and intelligence had keptrepparttar 119459 Army in tact in what most ofrepparttar 119460 world thought was a lost cause, here was George Washington modestly asking his officers to bear with him in an all-too-human failing. It was an astonishing turning point.

As Maj. Samuel Shaw, who was present, wrote in his journal, "There was something so natural, so unaffected in this appeal as rendered it superior torepparttar 119461 most studied oratory. It forced its way torepparttar 119462 heart, and you might see sensibility moisten every eye."

After Washington leftrepparttar 119463 hut,repparttar 119464 officers unanimously voted to "continue to have unshaken confidence inrepparttar 119465 justice ofrepparttar 119466 Congress and their country ...." The result was thatrepparttar 119467 Continental Army disbanded without incident afterrepparttar 119468 War formally ended a few months later and thereby set in motionrepparttar 119469 peaceful events that led torepparttar 119470 creation ofrepparttar 119471 Constitution.

Without Washington's intervention, America may very well have become a kind of banana republic, atrepparttar 119472 mercy of thousands of armed and angry soldiers and their officers. And it wasn't his speech that did it, it was a Leadership Talk.

Washington's Talk is a lesson for all leaders: The best way to communicate an idea is to bundle it in a human being. If you can't feel it, you can't lead it, and they won't do it.

2005 © The Filson Leadership Group, Inc. All rights reserved.

The author of 23 books, Brent Filson's recent books are, THE LEADERSHIP TALK: THE GREATEST LEADERSHIP TOOL and 101 WAYS TO GIVE GREAT LEADERSHIP TALKS. He is founder and president of The Filson Leadership Group, Inc. has been helping leaders of top companies worldwide get audacious results. Sign up for his free leadership e-zine and get a free white paper: "49 Ways To Turn Action Into Results," at www.actionleadership.com

Improve Your Bottom Line, Benefit From Employee Ideas

Written by Chuck Yorke

Continued from page 1

Engaging employees in improving their work creates new levels of communication and givesrepparttar ownership of improvements torepparttar 119457 worker. We now recognize that “you know your job better then management does because you arerepparttar 119458 one that does it every day.” Since people arerepparttar 119459 expert in their work, who better to come up with ideas to improve it then them. We all want, need and deserve respect. Engaged people seerepparttar 119460 fruits of their labor as other people have accepted their ideas. They now receive positive feedback for a “job well done.”

Any process, any product, any service can be made better in some way, somehow. One plant manager said, “It used to be that my problem solvers were solelyrepparttar 119461 management team, but now my problem solvers are everybody inrepparttar 119462 building.” How can you beat that?

Copyright © 2005 Chuck Yorke - All Rights Reserved

Chuck Yorke is an organizational development and performance improvement specialist, trainer, consultant and speaker. He is co-author of "All You Gotta Do Is Ask," a book which explains how to promote large numbers of ideas from employees. Chuck may be reached at ChuckYorke@yahoo.com

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