A Servant's Heart

Written by Alyice Edrich

Continued from page 1

Pay attention when God calls you to serve others. Listen with your heart, not your mind. Hear what God wants you to do—not what you think should be done.

You might think a check to pay a bill will solve someone’s problem, but that might not be what God wants you to do. God may want you to teach that person how to budget his income so that he’s not inrepparttar same boat next month. You might think a prayer is all that is needed, but God might want you spend quality time with that person. You might think a having a garage sale to remove clutter from someone’s life will help her get more focused, but God might want you to help that person reorganize her life by ministering to her soul while you weed through her material possessions.

Takingrepparttar 126817 time to listen to what God wants you to do, humbling yourself to do what He has called you to do, and then faithfully following His orders regardless of how uncomfortable it makes you is truly what a servant’s heart is all about. It’s selfless love at its best and God couldn’t ask for a better gift or testimony of your relationship with Him.

Brush up on your Bible, topic-related verses may be found at: Matthew 25:40, Mark 10:45, John 3:30, 1 Peter 5:2


Alyice Edrich is a freelance writer specializing in helping busy parents balance life. Visit her online for free information on how she can help you succeed, today. http://thedabblingmum.com

Traditions of Man Revealed

Written by Carla Robinson

Continued from page 1
a machine gun medallion attached to it. Mind you, he was only nine years old atrepparttar time. I thought to myself, why are these people honoring death and then selling it to our children? At that instance, my eyes were opened. I began to look for a medallion that I thought was fit for my son to wear around his neck. I began to research symbols and signs. Do you know what I found? Every symbol and sign usedto market products,from shoes to toilet paper, is derived from pagan origins, even down to guess what? The CROSS! Imagine my shock, disappointment and confusion. Oh yeah, I resisted it as first too. I thought, this can't be true! Here I was looking for something for my son to wear on his necklace, and now I've opened up a whole different can of worms. I askedrepparttar 126816 Father(Father, what would you have me do with this information?)And byrepparttar 126817 way He kept on whooping my butt, it didn't take too long before I knew. I said to him, "Father, but who will believe me?" And He said to me in His word.

"Nowrepparttar 126818 word ofrepparttar 126819 Father came unto Jonah,repparttar 126820 son of Amittai, saying, Arise go to Nineveh, that great city, and cry against it;for their wickedness is come up before me." Jonah1:1-2

Now, I was in a real bind because I din't want to berepparttar 126821 one to buckrepparttar 126822 so called system. So, I did what Jonah did, I ran, even after knowing whatrepparttar 126823 Father did to Jonah. But as you can probably tell, it did not take long for me to stop running. You knowrepparttar 126824 belly ofrepparttar 126825 beast has that affect on a person. Believe you me, my whole outlook has changed. Now I'm glad to go to Ninevah. Alot of you are just like me. You knowrepparttar 126826 truth, but you're just running and hiding. In closing, I would like to say, STOP RUNNING! Let's go to Ninevah! Who cares if some don't listen, as long asrepparttar 126827 true ones do, andrepparttar 126828 Father's will be done.

Carla Robinson --Email~car9robins@aol.com

Carla Robinson is a mother and wife. She was born in 1969 in Eagle Springs, NC. Carla got saved at nine years old. In the many years of training through the Spiritual Fire of the Father in the desert, Carla is now preparing to take Canaan in the name, power and authority of her Father and Redeemer.

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