A Short Biography on Some of Europe's Most Loved and Hated Monarchs - Pt2 (Mad) King George III

Written by Stuart Bazga

Continued from page 1

Ten years afterrepparttar ending of war with France, England joined a continental coalition against French revolutionary forces who sought total French supremacy throughout Europe. By 1797, most of Europe was under French control, with England going at it alone againstrepparttar 149486 oppressive French Republic. The British Navy again proved its worth by defeating French forces at Camperdown, Cape St. Vincent andrepparttar 149487 Battle ofrepparttar 149488 Nile in 1797, and finally at Copenhagen in 1801. France sued for peace in 1802.

Napoleon Bonaparte came to power and in 1803 renewed attacks against England, which lasted until 1814. Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington, ledrepparttar 149489 army whilst Lord Horatio Nelson, who wonrepparttar 149490 decisive battle off Cape Trafalgar, commandedrepparttar 149491 British navy. In addition torepparttar 149492 war with France, England was also at war again withrepparttar 149493 United States duringrepparttar 149494 period 1812-14, overrepparttar 149495 British practice of conscripting American seamen into service inrepparttar 149496 British Navy.

In 1814, both wars came to an end; Napoleon was defeated and England agreed not to press into service anymore-American sailors.

George's madness ultimately leftrepparttar 149497 fate ofrepparttar 149498 crown inrepparttar 149499 hands of his eldest son George, Prince Regent. Prince George was put inrepparttar 149500 unenviable position of attempting to govern according torepparttar 149501 increasingly erratic behaviour of his father.

King George III died blind, deaf and mad at Windsor Castle on January 29, 1820.

I hope you have enjoyed reading about King George III.

In my next article will learn aboutrepparttar 149502 life of King Ludwig II Unitl then,

Best wishes and have a great day

Stuart Bazga

Guide to Castles of Europe

A Guide to Castles of Europe was born from childhood dreams and aspirations. It is my hope to educate and stimulate you into exploring these castles for yourselves.


Written by Jim Norrena

Continued from page 1

Self-Study: A Self-Study course is one where there is no instructor involvement at all. The instructor is more of an “author” who createsrepparttar material, butrepparttar 149338 student accesses it and interacts with it on their own. Classic examples of Self-Study material are language and motivational tapes or CDs. Sometimes there may be workbooks and other documentation included thatrepparttar 149339 student can utilize as they learn.

There is another presentation format to be aware of: Start time. Some ofrepparttar 149340 above formats require pre-set “start times” (the Live and Synchronous courses in particular), or they can start whenever any particular student signs up (the Asynchronous and Self-Study in particular).

An inventive Instructor may configure his or her course to incorporate elements of all of these formats intorepparttar 149341 delivery process.

Readrepparttar 149342 Instrument Panel

Pay attention to what technologiesrepparttar 149343 class incorporates to facilitate student interactivity: chat rooms, discussion boards, video-conferencing, and other multimedia that build classroom community. (Caution:repparttar 149344 more interactivity and multimedia a course offers,repparttar 149345 greaterrepparttar 149346 minimum technical requirements become.)

Chat rooms and bulletin boards allow students to post live or static messages, respectively, for expanded discussion offline. Features that offer a greater means for communication between students (and instructor) are key to successful learning. The semi-anonymity allows you to speak your mind without intimidation, making conversations lively and enriching. Private one-on-one email exchange encourages useful feedback. Chat rooms also offer students with visual barriers or who are easily distracted in traditional classrooms a place to thrive because they accommodate greater concentration.

(Remember—bulletin boards and discussion boards aid instructors in assessing a student’s overall participation and/or enrollment, so be sure to document your contributions frequently.)

Update Your Tools

Whether on a PC or a Mac, you’ll need an Internet connection—preferably using a high-speed Internet Service Provider (ISP)—and at least 64 megabytes of RAM (memory), preferably more – RAM is cheap and makes a huge difference inrepparttar 149347 performance of your system. Because most home systems are older (and slower) than office systems, most many online courses are designed with this in mind. Contactrepparttar 149348 site’s administrator before enrolling if you have specific questions pertaining to your system.

Summary: Reviewrepparttar 149349 Checklist

Reviewrepparttar 149350 following statements and check offrepparttar 149351 ones that apply to you. The more affirmative responses you provide,repparttar 149352 better your chance of learning effectively inrepparttar 149353 online environment. (The list is not exhaustive—but rather a general overview of key characteristics successful online learners posses).

 Enjoy working independently  Accept direct instructor feedback  Access to computer and Internet  Can meet deadlines  Appreciate exchanging of ideas  Understand common computer terms, such as “URL” and “hyperlink”  Possess basic typing skills  Comfortable asking questions and having one-on-one dialogues with instructor  Curious to explore new things  Enjoy learning in a diverse “classroom” setting  General computer skills  Responsible study habits (setting own schedule)  Ten–fifteen hours per week (on average) available for study  Understanding online coursework is not inherently easier than traditional coursework  Effective writing skills Desire to read material online

Online Learning is a Two-Way Street Ensuring online learning success means showing up—not literally, of course—but rather being present for self-growth. Education is an investment in oneself. Expect back only what you put in, and don’t treat it as a spectator sport.

Remember—successful online learning is measured by your participation. Accomplishing your goals means taking responsibility for your work, as well as interacting with peers for feedback and support. In short, it’s an exchange of ideas and information.

Don’t Give Up Beforerepparttar 149354 Finish Line Each course is a unique experience. What you put into a course is what you’ll get out of it. Online learning approaches are vast… choose carefully, then dive into it with vigor.

“90 % of success is showing up” - Woody Allen

Jim Norrena is a writer for http://www.searchforclasses.com Check there for information, tips and articles about online education. Read our Education News blog at http://sfcednews.blogspot.com/

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