All About Credit Card Balance Transfers

Written by Neil Brown

Continued from page 1

How longrepparttar offer is valid for ?

There is usually a cut off point fromrepparttar 143986 account opening whenrepparttar 143987 offer is no longer valid. Be very aware of this otherwise you could end up transferring a balance to a higher rate !!

What about new purchases ?

Unless there is also a 0% interest rate on new purchases then you should avoid making new purchases on a balance transfer card. This is becauserepparttar 143988 banks will look to reducerepparttar 143989 balance transfer debt quicker thanrepparttar 143990 new debt. Provided your credit history is reasonable, there is nothing stopping you having several cards for different purposes. A good way is to have a card, which specialises in 0% on new purchases and another card for balance transfers.

What happens whenrepparttar 143991 balance transfer period finishes ?

Whenrepparttar 143992 balance transfer offer period finishesrepparttar 143993 debt will revert torepparttar 143994 typical variable APR. The lenders hope at this point thatrepparttar 143995 cardholder will retainrepparttar 143996 card and some ofrepparttar 143997 debt, so they can then start charging interest and making some money! So take into considerationrepparttar 143998 low interest rate credit cards. However, there is nothing stoppingrepparttar 143999 disciplined credit card holder from switching to another balance transfer deal and closingrepparttar 144000 account. The cycle then starts again. Always allow 6 weeks to 8 weeks beforerepparttar 144001 end ofrepparttar 144002 offer period to apply for a new card. This means you can getrepparttar 144003 balance transferred torepparttar 144004 new card beforerepparttar 144005 lender can start chargingrepparttar 144006 higher rate. You have to be organised to do this, but if you are it does work. People who regularly switch balances are know as card tarts.

The Golden Rules

There are three things to look out for with a balance transfer card

  • As mentioned previously,repparttar 144007 unsuspecting can get caught out when spending on a balance transfer card.
  • Maintaining regular payments. If you miss a payment you incur some penalty, so be aware. To be safe set up a direct debit.
  • The interest rate applied whenrepparttar 144008 offer period finishes.
Good luck with your choice.

Neil Brown writes for several finance websites including balance transfers and uk credit cards.

0% Credit Cards

Written by Neil Brown

Continued from page 1

It is oftenrepparttar case that credit card companies will offer bothrepparttar 143985 balance transfer and 0% on purchases onrepparttar 143986 same card. When this is notrepparttar 143987 case it is wise to keep balance transfers and purchases separate. This is becauserepparttar 143988 balance transfer portion of an outstanding balance will be paid off quicker thanrepparttar 143989 standard rate purchases. Therefore an increasing portion ofrepparttar 143990 balance will be subject torepparttar 143991 standard rate andrepparttar 143992 balance transfer portion will decrease at a faster rate. There is nothing to stop a consumer obtaining a credit card with a balance transfer and a separate low interest credit card for any purchases to be made. That wayrepparttar 143993 benefits ofrepparttar 143994 offers are maximised.

In summaryrepparttar 143995 balance transfer and 0% purchase offers can be of great benefit torepparttar 143996 consumer provided thatrepparttar 143997 consumer understands how to userepparttar 143998 offers to their advantage. A degree of discipline is required in managing repayments. Also,repparttar 143999 cardholder should be aware of any penalties that may causerepparttar 144000 offer to be cancelled. Armed with this knowledge then these cards can be made to work forrepparttar 144001 consumer, but remember that when comparing credit cards to pay close attention torepparttar 144002 typical APR, which is, always stated where UK credit cards are promoted.

Neil Brown has contributed to many financial sites including business banking and personal loans.

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