Ashton Gray Pays Live Cash To Affiliates

Written by Greg Jones

Continued from page 1

"I'm really really not a techie," saidrepparttar model. "But I'm not an idiot. When I did ask 2much to have an affiliate page done for me, I was ready with a bunch of banners I made myself. They aren't perfect, but I had to have something ready for them since they work so fast."

Ashton Gray will be chatting live in person on her site beginning today. Her schedule is posted onrepparttar 124585 site, and she'll be appearing regularly from now on. "Short of one small two day trip to Oregon for a shoot next week," she said.

The affiliate program on is paying out 25% for every minute any referral spends in pay chat with any performer on Gray's site. "And I don't pay justrepparttar 124586 minutesrepparttar 124587 customer spends in pay chat. Affiliates get paid ahead of time, beforerepparttar 124588 customer even goes to private chat. So if he deposits $200 in his e-wallet, you get fifty bucks, even if he doesn't spend it all onrepparttar 124589 site for a month."


Jones writes the press releases for client sites of, creators of the LiveCamNetwork 1.9 live video chat solution.

The Power of Link Exchanges

Written by Timothy D. Arnold

Continued from page 1

with other webmasters in a large group and sharerepparttar wealth of pages that is owned byrepparttar 124584 group. It is similar to risk management.

You utilizedrepparttar 124585 power of large numbers of people.

Link exchanges are sites that bring webmasters together to cooperate inrepparttar 124586 exchange of links forrepparttar 124587 benefit building both pagerank

and link popularity. They are commonly used to gain link popularity which will increase ranking in search engines like Yahoo! or

Google. Both of these engines use link popularity as a factor in calculating web pages ranking inrepparttar 124588 search engine results. One such

link exchange,, is just one ofrepparttar 124589 many sites that will help you accomplish your inbound link goals.

Be very careful to chooserepparttar 124590 correct anchor text when signing up to a link exchange. Anchor text isrepparttar 124591 text withinrepparttar 124592 hyperlink. The

major search engines look carefully at this text to help determine what your page is about. For example if there are 1000 pages

linking to yours withrepparttar 124593 words "buy a car" then you will likely do very well when someone usesrepparttar 124594 search phrase "buy a car". Simple


An example ofrepparttar 124595 power of anchor text is what is known as a "google bomb". If enough sites link to a specific website withrepparttar 124596 same

anchor text then that site will rank well for that term regardless of whetherrepparttar 124597 keywords are even found onrepparttar 124598 page.

Remember to letrepparttar 124599 other webmasters painstakingly search outrepparttar 124600 individual reciprocal linking partners while you and I harnessrepparttar 124601

power of large numbers of webmasters by using a link exchange.

Timothy D. Arnold is arguably one of the most prominent experts in the site promotion area. You can visit his site at

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