Avoid Annuity Tax Problems

Written by Tony Novak

Continued from page 1
been avoided. Most beneficiary designations are made atrepparttar time thatrepparttar 112724 annuity account is opened, often withoutrepparttar 112725 advise of a professional tax adviser. The investment representatives who typically open these annuity accounts giverepparttar 112726 blanket recommendation to investors to “seek advise from your own tax adviser” but few investors ever bother to seek separate tax advice. Investors often assume thatrepparttar 112727 financial planner openingrepparttar 112728 annuity account is incorporating tax advice intorepparttar 112729 service provided, but usually this is notrepparttar 112730 case. Byrepparttar 112731 timerepparttar 112732 tax problem is discovered byrepparttar 112733 executor orrepparttar 112734 estate, it is too late to make any correction.

Tony Novak is an independent writer and financial adviser in Narberth PA who provides OnlineAdviser services through MedSave.com and FreedomBenefits.org

Conservative Investment Management Pays for This Firm

Written by Tony Novak

Continued from page 1
of some very popular names inrepparttar financial services industry. But one ofrepparttar 112723 largest issuer’s of variable annuities, American Skandia, has been able to avoid this financial risk throughrepparttar 112724 use of unique but fundamentally sound investment management and accounting. In other words, by setting up automated systems to automatically manage money more conservatively during periods of declining stock prices, American Skandia has significantly outmaneuveredrepparttar 112725 market and avoided risk for its investors.

American Skandia is one ofrepparttar 112726 few investment companies that offers a no-load account without investment commissions through independent investment advisers. It own distribution costs are minimal becauserepparttar 112727 company does not maintain an internal sales force, but relies instead onrepparttar 112728 recommendations of independent financial advisers.

Tony Novak is an independent writer and financial adviser in Narberth PA who provides OnlineAdviser services through MedSave.com and FreedomBenefits.org

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