Boost Your Business and Personal Success by Creating Your Own Luck

Written by Jack Humphrey

Continued from page 1

Why do you think so many people come back from conferences with stories of how they landed a great partner they never thought they'd even get to answer an email?

Conferences and seminars arerepparttar epitome of "creating luck." The least important thing about them isrepparttar 120575 formal ceremonies. The good stuff happens atrepparttar 120576 bar inrepparttar 120577 hotel afterrepparttar 120578 presentations are over. The "good stuff" is being inrepparttar 120579 right place atrepparttar 120580 right time.

You are definitely creating luck whenever you network with peers and possible partners.

If you let yourself get lost inrepparttar 120581 day-to-day operations of your business and you don't allow yourself time to think aboutrepparttar 120582 ways in which you can get your "self" in front ofrepparttar 120583 people who can break you into a whole new league of success for your business, you will be less "lucky" in business.

There are lots of real rags-to-riches stories onrepparttar 120584 net. People are succeeding and profiting online like never before, but few do it in a vacuum. You will find more often than not that a story of success will begin with a line like "My business REALLY took off when I met..." or "I was talking onrepparttar 120585 phone one day with...and allrepparttar 120586 sudden an idea was born."

Want to create some luck for yourself? Get involved in your business at a level in which you are always inrepparttar 120587 right place atrepparttar 120588 right time. Being active in online forums, calling people onrepparttar 120589 phone rather than using email, meeting people in person who can help you get your products in front of thousands of potential customers, all these practices are used byrepparttar 120590 ever-lucky, most successful people onrepparttar 120591 planet.

Put yourself into your business as part ofrepparttar 120592 product. Develop relationships. Run far far away from people who want to sell you onrepparttar 120593 concept that you can succeed online without having to talk with or meet others. Success has never knocked onrepparttar 120594 door of people who aren't open to human contact - that's a ridiculous and self-defeating practice.

If you are passionate about making money with an online or offline business, good old fashioned networking will always win out over any other method of advertising.

So, now you haverepparttar 120595 formula for "creating luck." If you can sit down this weekend and figure out allrepparttar 120596 ways you can put yourself inrepparttar 120597 right place atrepparttar 120598 right time to increase your business - including a powerful linking campaign for your website - you are going to start to see that there is a pattern indeed to creating luck and making things happen for your business.

Jack Humphrey, one of the "luckiest" guys on the internet, is an Online Marketing Consultant and originator of several successful online ventures. You can find more articles by Jack at See also and

Take Advantage of Slumps

Written by Jack Humphrey

Continued from page 1

Has something been bothering you about your sales letter? Take this time to fix it up or have someone take a look and make recommendations.

Have you been eager to set up a couple different bonuses and re-order and test different sales letters? What a pain! But now you haverepparttar time to get your split-test set up for whenrepparttar 120574 buyers come marching back to your site andrepparttar 120575 tire-kickers go back to wherever they usually surf.

How aboutrepparttar 120576 $12,000 worth of marketing materials you own that are taking up gigs on your hard drive? Might be a good time to get away fromrepparttar 120577 monitor, print some ofrepparttar 120578 best stuff out, and study with a real highlighter and paper for a change.

You have NO IDEA how much you missed inrepparttar 120579 last ebook you bought! If you are like most people - you skimmed forrepparttar 120580 best stuff and missed a whole heap of things you might just be able to put into action in time forrepparttar 120581 pendulum of sales to swing back your way.

The point is, when you get into a slump you need to takerepparttar 120582 time to take stock of your assets that you can pull out and turnrepparttar 120583 slump into an advantage.

I bet if you get out of your daily routine tomorrow and start looking around your hard drive at allrepparttar 120584 unfinished business, ebooks, reports, articles (How many articles can you write beforerepparttar 120585 war is over? Make it a challenge!). You will find yourself happily getting caught up and ready forrepparttar 120586 wave of sales that will happen whenrepparttar 120587 current turmoil is over.

Start fresh with a good spring cleaning of your business. You will hitrepparttar 120588 ground running when action picks up again. You will feel SO refreshed, and ready for action as a lean, mean, selling machine!

Jack Humphrey, one of the "luckiest" guys on the internet, is an Online Marketing Consultant and originator of several successful online ventures. You can find more articles by Jack at . See also and

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