Care of Cattleya

Written by Robert Roy

Continued from page 1
Generally, watering twice a week does well during their growth and flowering period and once a week during their period of rest. Cattleyas are orchids that can and should get dry between watering. This aids inrepparttar growth of healthy pseudopods. Be sure thatrepparttar 113326 potting medium allowrepparttar 113327 water to drain out fairly rapidly. To check to see if a plant needs water stick your finger about 1 inch intorepparttar 113328 potting material and see if it comes out dry or damp. If dry it needs watering. If damp it may be able to go another day or two without water. When watering allowrepparttar 113329 water to flow intorepparttar 113330 plant and then drain right out intorepparttar 113331 sink and not intorepparttar 113332 humidity tray. You can letrepparttar 113333 water water flow ontorepparttar 113334 plant for about 20-30 seconds andrepparttar 113335 pseudopods will get enough water for storage. If plants are blossom inrepparttar 113336 winter or spring this means that these orchid plants deserve a rest period of about 6 to 8 weeks. During this time water them about once a week and keeprepparttar 113337 lightingrepparttar 113338 same. Ifrepparttar 113339 plants blossom inrepparttar 113340 summer time no rest period is needed. Fertilizing should take place about every other week with a balanced formula like 20-20-20. Ifrepparttar 113341 plant is flowering you can fertilize with a blossoming mixture with a higher nitrogen factor, e.g. 30-10-10. With these rather easy steps you will get many years of joy from your cattleya orchid plants.

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This site is devoted to these wonderful orchid plants. Did you know they are the second in popularity only to the poinsettia plants? You will find a good deal of information on how easy orchid care really is. They are wonderful to have around your home or for that special gift. Orchid flowers are beautiful and can last for years. Your plant will be appreciated for years and years.

Dendrobium Orchid Care

Written by Robert Roy

Continued from page 1
Air circulation is needed and is especially whenrepparttar temps are above 90 degrees. Water Like most orchids Dendrobiums need to be kept moist while actively growing. When it is mature, as are most of plants they should dry between watering. Dendrobiums thrive whenrepparttar 113325 humidity is about 50 - 60%. Humidity trays are usually needed whilerepparttar 113326 plant is inrepparttar 113327 home. Fertilizer Use a balance fertilizer like Jack's Classic 20-20-20. Use weakly, weekly. That is, use a solution which is between 1/4 to 1/2repparttar 113328 recommended dosage. For more information onrepparttar 113329 care of orchids seerepparttar 113330 American Orchid Society ***This article may used by any other website withrepparttar 113331 condition that our website; is recognized asrepparttar 113332 contributing website.

This site is devoted to these wonderful orchid plants. Did you know they are the second in popularity only to the poinsettia plants? You will find a good deal of information on how easy orchid care really is. They are wonderful to have around your home or for that special gift. Orchid flowers are beautiful and can last for years. Your plant will be appreciated for years and years.

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