Change Your Colors

Written by Richard Lowe

Continued from page 1

Onrepparttar other hand, include a bit of individuality in your site. Make it stand out fromrepparttar 134551 norm - otherwise, your site will just blend in with every other site and will not be remembered for anything.

Use whatever color scheme you want, as long asrepparttar 134552 text can be easily distinguished fromrepparttar 134553 background. And guess what, your pages don't need to match each other - in fact, you can make every single page different if you want. This is especially true for personal web sites - don't worry about conforming.

Sites don't need to be symmetrical, they don't need to balance and they don't need to match anyone else's criteria of "good". All they need to do is communicate something. Most ofrepparttar 134554 time (since by far most web sites are personal home pages of some kind) they are communicating something about an individual or group.

Black text on white backgrounds are for sissies; Try dozens of different colors until your site looks exactly like you want. Having a perfectly proportioned navigation system exactlyrepparttar 134555 same on every page is boring. Come up with something that gets your users from place to place without beingrepparttar 134556 same as everyone else's system.

Use image maps all overrepparttar 134557 place - these are great ways to visually show your user how to get around withoutrepparttar 134558 same old boring links. Use graphics as you see fit to make your pages shine. Yes, you should worry about image size, but don't worry that much. A few extra seconds of load time is fine (just don't go overboard); people will wait if they feel excited about a site. They will not wait ifrepparttar 134559 site is bland and boring.

Don't even try and add all of those extra doo-dads that so many sites seem to be using these days. Believe me, your site does not need a news feed - every one else already has one and you will not attract any new visitors with them. You don't need to includerepparttar 134560 cute little quote-of-the-day buttons orrepparttar 134561 ticker orrepparttar 134562 weather map. These just tend to make your site look cheap.

Spend your time writing your content, designing your site and working on your graphics. If you do include plug-ins, concentrate on those that build a community such as forms, guestbooks, message boards and even online games. These are repparttar 134563 things that attract people - being able to communicate with other people.

And a note to those who judge awards - please take offrepparttar 134564 blinders. There are many wonderful sites which communicate exceptionally well which deserve gold 5.0+ awards, even though they do not have perfect HTML, even though every page does not match every other page and in spite of a glaring color scheme. I have seen site after site loose major awards simply because some robot is sitting inrepparttar 134565 judges booth, matchingrepparttar 134566 site against a fixed set of criteria (a way of turning off a judge's brain) instead of really looking at what's important - isrepparttar 134567 site communicating effectively?

My advice is simple: create a web site which YOU like and don't worry aboutrepparttar 134568 awards. If your site communicates something of value to your visitors, then you have succeeded. If not, then regardless of how many awards you've won, you've failed.

Richard Lowe Jr. is the webmaster of Internet Tips And Secrets at - Visit our website any time to read over 1,000 complete FREE articles about how to improve your internet profits, enjoyment and knowledge.

"Top 10 Ways For Web Designers To Find New Clients"

Written by Tom Mulkern

Continued from page 1

6. Write articles and free reports. Writing short articles on Internet Business and Web Development is a great way to get your name out and generate new clients. You can submit articles to your local print media, Chamber of Commerce, and business publications. You can also syndicate this content online for online publications and websites. One short article can go a long way in generating new business.

7. Focus on a niche. By narrowing your focus it will be much easier for you to find new web design clients. It's tough to be everything to everybody. Look at your existing client base and think aboutrepparttar industries your best clients come from. Pinpointrepparttar 134550 best two or three and then focus your effort to only those types of businesses. It's easy to get leads for specific industries from list brokers such as Info USA ( and others. You can then contact similar businesses and let them know you specialize in creating websites just for their type of business. Tell them aboutrepparttar 134551 specific tools you can install to help their business increase profits, save money, and gain an advantage over their competitors.

8. Smile and dial. Telemarketing can be a great way to find new business clients when done properly. The best way to do it is to start with a free offer that will help you qualifyrepparttar 134552 lead. For example, if you create a community directory, you can then simply callrepparttar 134553 businesses inrepparttar 134554 directory and let them know they are entitled to a free listing. This will give you an opportunity to chat with them and see what their needs are. You can then email or fax them a brief form asking for a description of their business to post onrepparttar 134555 community website. Let them know when it's up and then send them full details on your web development services. From there it will be easy to set an appointment.

9. Send postcards. Direct mail using postcards can be a very effective and cheap way to getrepparttar 134556 word out about your services. If you use full color postcards you can even showcase screen-shots of some ofrepparttar 134557 sites you've designed. Always offer some type of free offer onrepparttar 134558 postcard, such as a "FREE Website Analysis," "FREE Search Engine Readiness Review," etc. in orderrepparttar 134559 increase response.

10. Follow up. Follow up. Follow up. There is an old adage in marketing that says it takes at least seven contacts before a prospect will purchase. This is as true in selling web design services as it is with anything else. No matter what marketing tactics you use, remember that you must relentlessly follow up with people that have expressedrepparttar 134560 need for your services. If you keep in touch, a good percentage will eventually become clients.

There you have it, ten ofrepparttar 134561 best ways to find new clients and increase your Web Development business this year. But remember, none of them will work unless you use them. So stop fiddling with your computer and get marketing!

Tom Mulkern OnNet Web Hosting ( provides high-speed web hosting services, featuring 50% discounts for Web Designers and Resellers. They also publish the email newsletter, "Marketing For Web Developers." For a FREE subscription, send an email message to:, or visit

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