Change your life for the better!

Written by Caroline Jalango

Continued from page 1

If you are not going to berepparttar recipient of a large inheritance or if you have not yet wonrepparttar 129835 lottery, begin to dorepparttar 129836 right thing by charting your own road map to success and working intelligently, meticulously and persistently to achieve your success.

3. STOP doing what does not work!

If you desire to change your life forrepparttar 129837 better…take a minute to consider specific aspects of your life overrepparttar 129838 last three years. Have you seen any improvement in your business? Have you lost weight? Are you still working atrepparttar 129839 same place that stifles your creative abilities? Are you still inrepparttar 129840 dreaming phase of that project you wanted to accomplish? Are you still procrastinating about going back to school? Are you still doingrepparttar 129841 same things that produce unproductive and dissatisfying results?

How much longer can you keep doingrepparttar 129842 same things that don’t work? You only have one life to live and if you plan to live a fulfilled life, stop doing what doesn’t work, start doingrepparttar 129843 things that work and change your life forrepparttar 129844 better.

4. Take a definite tangible action step today!

Changing your life forrepparttar 129845 better means doing something today that produces results! If you can’t take radical steps, take small deliberate steps towardsrepparttar 129846 change you desire. One ofrepparttar 129847 greatest impediments to success is procrastination. It is so often used as an excuse for inaction torepparttar 129848 point that it has become so mind-numbing!

No one wants to hear thatrepparttar 129849 only reason why you have not managed to turn your idea into reality is because you have been procrastinating! People want to stand and cheer forrepparttar 129850 doer andrepparttar 129851 achiever who has taken positive steps to improverepparttar 129852 quality of their lives. These arerepparttar 129853 inspiring stories that we read about everyday and you too can be that story.

Caroline Jalango is a life coach for unstoppable women who are willing to step up to the plate and take a shot at living exceptional lives wherever they are.

Can you clearly explain your idea, goal or vision?

Written by Caroline Jalango

Continued from page 1

2.Own your words.

Let your explanation resonate with your essence. Your personality or your being should not conflict with what you are saying otherwiserepparttar internal tug of war will prevent you from believing what you are saying and hinderrepparttar 129832 flow of information. The more you believe what you are saying,repparttar 129833 more confident you will be in explaining you idea or goal.

3.Make it natural.

Let your explanation be natural, in your own words and in your own style. Avoid copying other people’s style and imagining that their language and expression is better than yours.

No one can explain your idea or goal better than you; therefore, be natural. Choose your audience carefully, but no matter who your audience is, articulating your idea in a natural way is always inspiring and authentic.

Caroline Jalango is a life coach for unstoppable women who are willing to step up to the plate and take a shot at living exceptional lives wherever they are.

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