Chronic Pain Treatments

Written by Ratliff J

Continued from page 1
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J. Ratliff is an avid health writer for Ask Wellness.

Demystifying Hands-On Healing

Written by Richard Gordon

Continued from page 1
When I arrived, Dr. Shealy asked me to work on members of his staff. One woman had shoulder pain, another back pain, and a third had neck pain. These were all relieved in less than ten minutes each. Norm then decided it was time to put this technique to a bigger test. After I explained to him that each person hasrepparttar ability to hold a resonance that can allow bones to spontaneously glide back into alignment with only a light touch, he led me to a room where a 88 year old woman was in a great deal of pain suffering from osteoporosis. One of her hips was massively higher thanrepparttar 142386 other, and she could barely walk. There were three physicians inrepparttar 142387 room, and they were taking her history for about thirty minutes. When it was time to demonstrate what I do, I askedrepparttar 142388 elderly woman to stand up and I gently placed my hands on her hips with absolutely no pressure, and started to runrepparttar 142389 energy. Running energy involvesrepparttar 142390 use of specific breathing and body awareness exercises to raise one’s vibration. This energy has been described by numerous cultures for thousands of years – it is most commonly called prana, chi or ki. In about 10 minutesrepparttar 142391 woman’s hips had completely evened out and she could now walk without pain. I explained that whenrepparttar 142392 body receives a high vibration, it responds in whatever way it chooses, in order to acceleraterepparttar 142393 healing process. Quantum biologist, Glen Rein, Ph.D. from NY has found that healers were capable of affectingrepparttar 142394 very winding of DNA. In order to accomplish this, healing must first begin on a quantum, or subatomic level and work its way thoughrepparttar 142395 rest ofrepparttar 142396 body. Fromrepparttar 142397 DNA torepparttar 142398 molecules, cells, tissue, organs and evenrepparttar 142399 position of bones – they all respond torepparttar 142400 powerful vibration of our love as expressed throughrepparttar 142401 life-force energy that comes through our hands. Onrepparttar 142402 way back to his ranch that evening, I asked Dr. Shealy if he was impressed withrepparttar 142403 healing sessions that day. He said, “No. I think some ofrepparttar 142404 people you worked on might have liked you a little, or may have even been open to what you were doing… No, I want to see how this works on my most difficult chronic pain patients… people with 20 or 30 years of constant chronic pain who have not been helped by any traditional or alternative modality. If you can help these people, then I’ll be impressed.” At this point I knew I would need help. Since group healing sessions are synergistically more powerful than individual sessions, I taught Dr. Shealy and three members of his staff to run energy. Each patient received a one-hour group session, and in every case his patients experienced between 30% and 70% reduction of their pain. What maderepparttar 142405 results allrepparttar 142406 more surprising wasrepparttar 142407 news I received a week after I returned home. Dr. Shealy told me thatrepparttar 142408 pain relief was lasting in all of these patients. At this point, Dr. Shealy told me that he was impressed and agreed to writerepparttar 142409 foreword to my new book, calling Quantum-Touch, “The first technique that may truly allow us all to become healers.”

If I leave you with a few parting thoughts, I’d like you to know that hands-on healing is real, natural, and an easily learned, basic human skill. And finally, hands-on healing clearly shows us that our love is far more wondrous and powerful than any of us know.

You can learn hands-on healing by reading Richard Gordon’s new book, “Quantum-Touch: The Power to Heal,” by watching a video workshop, or by attending a Quantum-Touch workshop in your area. Richard Gordon is also the author of, “Your Healing Hands: The Polarity Experience,” a best seller now in nine languages. Visit the website for further information and more articles on healing, visit

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