Colour Your Diet

Written by Andrea Putting N.D

Continued from page 1

Green brings peace, balance and harmony to our systems. It has a strong influence onrepparttar heart and blood pressure and helps to sooth nerves. The lungs are strengthened as green isrepparttar 113584 colour of breathing as represented by nature. Green brings us a feeling of newness and freedom ofrepparttar 113585 soul and helps relieves stress and emotional problems. It helps reduce problems associated with tension such as headaches. As green relates torepparttar 113586 heart, it is also beneficial for those with high blood pressure and as a prevention of heart disease. The digestive system can be calmed byrepparttar 113587 inclusion of green. Chlorophyll, which is at high levels in green leafy vegetables, is revitalizing and refreshing. It has a soothing and healing effect and helps to detoxify and cleanse our system. Some green vegetables (cruciferous in particular) are considered to decreaserepparttar 113588 risk of breast, stomach and colon cancers.

Blue is a peaceful colour. It is relaxing and calming, on all levels. Blue is particularly important at night-time, relaxing our mind and body in readiness for sleep. It is an important colour for insomniacs to focus on at bedtime. We can connect more with our intuition. Blue has an important link withrepparttar 113589 respiratory system, encouragingrepparttar 113590 uptake of oxygen, so it this colour is lacking, we may feel constantly fatigued. Throat problems can be alleviated with blue, as well as fevers, inflammations, spasms, stings, itchiness and headaches. Too much blue can be depressing, so it needs to be balanced with orange, its complimenting colour.

Indigo is related torepparttar 113591 third eye, so it brings focus to our lives and allows us to see things more clearly. It helps bring aboutrepparttar 113592 human qualities of compassion, discretion and integrity. It is also calming and soothing. Indigo controlsrepparttar 113593 pineal gland. The nervous, mental and psychic potential are affected. The sight and hearing are influenced by indigo. Indigo food can be used where there are disease ofrepparttar 113594 eyes, ears and nose as well asrepparttar 113595 skin and lungs. Indigo has a lot of blue energy. Eating blue and violet foods will also increase indigo energy.

Violet has a significant relationship with our intuition and spirituality. Meditation and spiritual life can be enhanced with violet foods. It strengthens and supportsrepparttar 113596 central nervous system andrepparttar 113597 brain. It is important for our mental health. Violet has an effect onrepparttar 113598 process controllingrepparttar 113599 pituitary and hypothalamus. Using violet will calm those suffering from high anxiety; it is soothing and relaxing. It isrepparttar 113600 most healing colour, particularly in relation to nervous and mental disorders and disease ofrepparttar 113601 scalp.

Each colour has a complementary colour. When an emphasis needs to be place on a particular colour in your diet, it is recommended that you balance this withrepparttar 113602 complementary colour. Red is complementary to green. Blue is complementary to orange and violet is complementary to yellow.

As different colours have different effects on us, it can be seen that it be best to concentrate on certain colours at certain times. For example, at nighttime, blue with its relaxing, calming effects would e more beneficial than red with its stimulating and uplifting effects. The energizing and refreshing effects of greens and yellow are ideal for morning. Gold, orange and red will provide us with energy required forrepparttar 113603 afternoon. Violet, indigo and blue should berepparttar 113604 emphasis forrepparttar 113605 evening, with their calming and relaxing influences.

Giving thought torepparttar 113606 colour of our foods can be a fun and interesting way to stay healthy. Food will be more appealing to children and will contain allrepparttar 113607 essential nutrients that they (and you) need. Bringing balance back to your life is easier when you can base your food selection on certain colours until you feel "right". Surrounding ourselves with colours can be a healing experience, in whatever form we take it.

Andrea Putting N.D., Naturopath, Writer and creator/owner of health sites including,,, and . Explore the world of Natural Medicine; take your health into your own hands. Know how to be healthy and stay healthy.

Healing Herbs

Written by Andrea Putting N.D

Continued from page 1

Ginger is a very well known spice, not only for culinary uses, but also medicinally. It is famous for its use to ease nausea, from morning sickness to travel sickness. Digestion can be helped with Ginger, easing and calmingrepparttar process. Ginger helps to boostrepparttar 113583 circulation and brings warmth torepparttar 113584 whole body, so is ideal for bad circulation, chilblains and cramps. Arthritis sufferers can find relief in using Ginger. Placing a couple of slices ofrepparttar 113585 root in boiling water can make a simple Ginger tea.

Peppermint is a very relaxing herb. It can relieve digestive problems, such as colic and dyspepsia. It can help relieve nausea and vomiting, especially helpful in pregnancy and travel sickness. anxiety and tension can be relieved with a cup of Peppermint tea. It can be useful to use for migraines and headaches that are related to digestive problems. Period pain and tension can be lessened withrepparttar 113586 help of Peppermint. This tea can also be used to alleviate diarrhoea.

Caraway helps to stimulaterepparttar 113587 appetite and ease digestive problems. It is helpful inrepparttar 113588 treatment of diarrhoea. It can be used as a gargle for laryngitis. Period pain can be relieved and it also has a use in increasing milk flow in mothers.

Cayenne is known as a general tonic especially forrepparttar 113589 circulation and digestive systems. It is particularly good when there is a problem with cold hands and feet.

Cloves have an antiseptic quality so can be used when there is toothache. Take a whole clove , place onrepparttar 113590 tooth in question and bite down on this.

Marjoram is useful inrepparttar 113591 treatment of colds and flu. It has antiseptic properties giving it a use in fighting against mouth and throat inflammations and also for coughs. It can be used externally as a wash for infected cuts and wounds, also to sooth stings and bites.

As you can see we already have such a great medicine cabinet in our kitchen, Some of these herbs have similar uses, so mixing two or three together to makerepparttar 113592 taste more pleasant could berepparttar 113593 way to go.

Herbs used in cooking are not usually at a medicinal dose, so are quite safe. When choosing herbs to use, always look forrepparttar 113594 best quality and preferably organic. These suggestions are forrepparttar 113595 relieve minor symptoms an first aid treatments. If symptoms persist or are more serious, please ask for advice. Pregnant women should always seek advice before taking any herbs internally.

Andrea Putting N.D., Naturopath, Writer and creator/owner of health sites including,,, and . Explore the world of Natural Medicine; take your health into your own hands. Know how to be healthy and stay healthy.

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