Create Confidence With Your Writing

Written by Robert Warren

Continued from page 1

Don't use passive verbs; they express impersonal events rather than committed actions, and they create distance withrepparttar reader. They avoid a sense of personal accountability. Active verbs drawrepparttar 104397 reader closer and fix responsibility.

Maintain an optimistic, positive tone. Politicians everywhere know that good news wins elections. Limit your use of negative statements as much as possible, and focus onrepparttar 104398 positive. Give your reader a sense of hope rather than apathy.

Even if circumstances require that you deliver bad news, do so with optimism: there are problems, but we are solving them. Don't deny or avoid obvious unpleasant truths - if your reader knows about them already, your avoidances will only damage your credibility - but keep control over your tone. Promoting a consistently optimistic image to your readers goes a long way towards generating confidence, or at least benefit ofrepparttar 104399 doubt.

Structure your writing carefully. Carefully plan out what you intend to write, and then followrepparttar 104400 plan. Don't make it up as you go along. Don't wander and don't be indirect - organize your message carefully, to sayrepparttar 104401 most inrepparttar 104402 least words possible. Demonstrate that you are in control of your communications, and worthy of reader confidence.

Robert Warren ( is a freelance copywriter in the Orlando, Florida area, specializing in providing for the marketing and communications needs of the independent professional private practice.

7 Ways To Promote Your Business-FREE!

Written by Tina Barraclough

Continued from page 1

Free Ezines Directory

3.Writing articles: Writing articles for distrubution in other ezines , newsletters , etc is a great FREE method for sending traffic to your site. This gives yourepparttar opportunity to write about something you know , and will give you free advertising in your resource box. Lots of people are looking for new content for their ezines, or newsletters , so getting published will provide free advertising.

4.Include your URL on everything , like business cards , stationary ,etc. This is also a good source for promotion of your business.Some good places to leave your business cards are: local stores , banks , restraurants ,etc.

5.Flyers: Print out some flyers advertising your business. Post these flyers at shopping centers , grocery stores , laundry mats , local colleges , apartment complexes , car window , etc. There are so many places where you can put flyers , you just need to be creative.

6.Reciprocal Linking: This is where you will look for other sites that are similar to your [work at home sites , business sites , etc] and you will set up a link exchange. You put there link on your site , and they in turn put your link on their site. Be selective about which sites you put your link on. Most ofrepparttar 104396 time , these sites will exchange links with you. This method of advertising can get you listed in major Search Engines and give you a good web site ranking. In my oponion this is by far ,repparttar 104397 best free method of advertising

7.E-mail Signature: Install a "Signature" in your E-mail program. This method can help you get people to get in touch with you , and want to know more about your business. Most E-mail programs such as , AOL , MSN , NETSCAPE , and OUTLOOK, allow you to add a "Signature" line atrepparttar 104398 end of your out going e-mail messages. It should only be 6-8 lines. Company Name , Address , Phone Number , URL ,e-mail address , and a small description. Look for examples on e-mail messages that have been sent to you.

Tina Barraclough is a stay at home mom and owner of Visit her website for Business Opportunities, free e-books,Business Articles,etc.

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