Create a Balanced Lifestyle

Written by Cheri Baumann

Continued from page 1

  • Dorepparttar exercise stated above and determine which areas need more of your time and attention.
  • Become very clear about howrepparttar 114050 situation is now. Describe in detail each area of your life. Perhaps you rated ‘Career, an 8, and ‘Family & Friends” a 4. By describing in detail whatrepparttar 114051 ‘8’ in Career looks and feels like, and whatrepparttar 114052 ‘4’ in Family & Friends looks and feels like, you will begin to get a better understanding of what needs to be changed.
  • Now, create a long term vision for each area. Write in detail how an 8 to 10 would look and feel.
  • You are now ready to create a plan that you can begin to implement. Chose one area at a time and determine your own Goals/Intentions that you'd like to develop.
  • Outline your Action Steps for each Goal.
  • Design your own time-table for completing each Goal.
  • If all of this seems too overwhelming to do by yourself, then ask friends and family for help, or hire a coach.

Creating balance in your life is essential if you want to live a healthy, happy and enriched life.

Remember, you are your own life’s author,repparttar 114053 one who is in control, and it is your responsibility to makerepparttar 114054 conscious choices to make it berepparttar 114055 kind of life you want. Balance can be created. Just take one small step at a time and before you know it, you will have it.

"Don't be afraid ofrepparttar 114056 space between your dreams and reality. If you can dream it, you can make it so." – Belva Davis

##### Publisher's Box #####

© Cheri Baumann, Your Life Strategist, Personal Development Coach & Trainer .

Life Coach - Life Coaching at

Cheri Baumann isrepparttar 114057 Life Strategist and Personal Development Coach at MyPrivateCoach: Life Coach. She can be contacted at

Get a taste of coaching FREE today, schedule your first free session!

This article may be published withoutrepparttar 114058 consent ofrepparttar 114059 author so long asrepparttar 114060 publisher's box is included inrepparttar 114061 post.

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Bextra's Safety Questioned

Written by Bob Weiss

Continued from page 1

The result is many people are now seeking alternative non-drug therapies. They are also investigating legal remedies.

Those seeking non-drug alternatives to relieve chronic pain should discuss their plans with a physician. Known alternative remedies include:

MSM (Methyl Sulfonyl Methane), a compound normally found in foods. It’s used to relieverepparttar pain of osteoarthritis and help strengthen collagen inrepparttar 114049 joints.

Glucosamine, primarily used to treat osteoarthritis. Research indicates that glucosamine is as effective as low doses of non-steroidal anti-inflammatories such as ibuprofen. It appears to relieve pain and improve movement, slowrepparttar 114050 progression ofrepparttar 114051 disease and protect joints from further damage.

Wobenzym, an enzyme combination and a top-selling supplement in Europe, now available in North America.

Bromelain, an anti-inflammatory and digestive aid used primarily in Japan, Hawaii and Taiwan.

Those who have suffered heart attacks and strokes while taking Bextra or Vioxx can explore legal remedies at or by calling 800-320-5081.


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