Don't Eliminate the middle man add one

Written by Richard Saporito

Continued from page 1

Before large restaurants existed,repparttar waiter would completerepparttar 103272 process of order taking and delivering ofrepparttar 103273 food. Today,repparttar 103274 food runner can be implemented (additional middle man) relievingrepparttar 103275 waiter of this time consuming and sometimes painstaking process. The waiter must share a percentage of his tip withrepparttar 103276 runner, but in return his job is eased becauserepparttar 103277 food is delivered for him- allowing extra time to work more tables and up sell to customers thereby increasing sales. Though, it does remainrepparttar 103278 waiter’s responsibility to checkrepparttar 103279 table for additional diner needs-- either whilerepparttar 103280 food is being placed byrepparttar 103281 runner or shortly thereafter. The tip-out torepparttar 103282 runner is usually 10-15% depending onrepparttar 103283 service system, but well worth it if waiter sales can increase by 20-30 %.

The main point isrepparttar 103284 food runner addition improves delivery service efficiency while being cost-effective (ifrepparttar 103285 sales increase outweighsrepparttar 103286 payroll increase). Properly integrating employees intorepparttar 103287 dining room with exact middle man connections always makes for smooth service flow. It’s not a matter of just blindly throwing extra employees at a service problem, but organizingrepparttar 103288 best system possible withrepparttar 103289 minimal amount of labor.

Addingrepparttar 103290 middle man can sometimes streamline operations in such way that it becomes irresistible and impossible to ignore. Always,repparttar 103291 demand arises when delivery routes of a service system become overloaded.

>Richard Saporito, President, Topserve Inc. 888-276-4808

The Key to High Productivity is Energy Management

Written by Michael Beck

Continued from page 1

How to become highly productive is too much to cover thoroughly in a simple article, but we can touch on some good ways to start improving your energy management.

Nutrition: Most nutritional experts agree that eating a number of modest meals throughoutrepparttar day is much better than a couple of big ones. Don’t forget to include protein with every meal.

Stress: There are no such things as stressful situations. It’s our reaction to events that causes us to feel stress. You know what works best for you to reduce your feelings of stress. Set time aside to take care of yourself throughoutrepparttar 103271 week. If you don’t take time, soon enough you’ll have no choice due to health issues.

Physical Fitness: Do I really need to go into this? Doing something is better than doing nothing at all.

Attitude: Our attitude colors our view of our past, our present and our future. Most people allowrepparttar 103272 world to determine what we hear and see, which determines how we seerepparttar 103273 world in general and how we see our own world specifically. Start to take control of what you mentally and emotionally feed yourself. Cut outrepparttar 103274 negatives (likerepparttar 103275 news on TV) and start introducing positives (like listening to personal growth tapes or CDs).

Another critical key to effective energy management is to understandrepparttar 103276 many positive implications of stretching our abilities and then taking time to recover and rejuvenate. Regular recovery and rejuvenation are essential to becoming highly productive. I can’t stress enoughrepparttar 103277 impact that regular rejuvenation can have on your energy, attitude, creativity, enthusiasm, and spirit.

Let me finish by getting back torepparttar 103278 client example I started this article with. My client wanted to know how, or if, he could be as highly productive on a daily basis as he was onrepparttar 103279 day before his vacation, and my answer was yes and no. The yes part ofrepparttar 103280 answer is that you can be highly productive on a regular basis, day after day, by managing your energy andrepparttar 103281 things that influence it. Onrepparttar 103282 other hand (the “no” part ofrepparttar 103283 answer), it’s impossible to be highly productive without allowing your body, mind, emotions and spirit to recover and rejuvenate regularly. Remember, when we’re tired we tend to slow down, make more mistakes and have a harder time being creative. After all,repparttar 103284 main reason vacations exist is to allow us to recover and rejuvenate. You can accomplish more, with less effort and more creativity by backing off from time to time to recharge. Choosing how and when to recharge throughoutrepparttar 103285 week is another story…

To recap what we’ve discussed in this article,repparttar 103286 key to being highly productive in any endeavor is to manage your energy. By attending to your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs you can accomplish more with greater enthusiasm, greater creative and greater enjoyment than ever before.

Written by Michael Beck, President of Exceptional Leadership, Inc. a firm which develops high-performance leaders through leadership enhancement and executive coaching. Michael can be reached at 877-977-8956 or , and you can learn more about the company and these ideas at Permission to reprint with full attribution. © 2005 Exceptional Leadership, Inc.

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