Exclamation Points Are Your Enemy !!!!

Written by Tim Gross

Continued from page 1

(Deal with known concerns - It makes your offer more believable.)

As you can see fromrepparttar above examples, here’srepparttar 121716 bad news: Writing without exclamation points requires more ad copy. (I call that bad news because forrepparttar 121717 person trying to writerepparttar 121718 ad, it seems like more "work".) In fact, when I re-work an ad that is riddled with !!!!’s, sometimesrepparttar 121719 ad winds up being 3 times longer than before.


The good news is that longer ad copy is necessary to makerepparttar 121720 point and to makerepparttar 121721 sale, and it maximizes your chances of success.

If you’re still not convinced: Have you ever noticed that on your favorite television sitcoms you never noticerepparttar 121722 laugh-track? ...That’s because you’re laughing atrepparttar 121723 same time. On really BAD sitcoms,repparttar 121724 laugh-track can drive you crazy with its inane guffawing after every line. That’s becauserepparttar 121725 lines aren’t funny, sorepparttar 121726 canned laughs feel forced and remind you how badrepparttar 121727 show really is.

The same goes with exclamation points. When they naturally follow an unusual or strong statement, you don’t even notice them. But when they follow sentences that just aren’t convincing or exciting, they seem forced and actually DRAW ATTENTION torepparttar 121728 fact thatrepparttar 121729 ad doesn’t seem genuine or effective.

The internet community is an intelligent, educated bunch. They’re more likely to read U.S. Weekly than The National Enquirer. They won’t be sold by empty hype and incomplete explanations. In addition, a good percentage of them have been taken advantage of throughrepparttar 121730 internet before. They’re wary - and for good reason. Using too many exclamation points isrepparttar 121731 sign of an amateur, and people want to deal with professionals.

So go forward, be fruitful, and un-multiply. (Your exclamation points, that is!)

Tim Gross is the director of the "Masters of Marketing Inner Circle" as well as being an online marketer and webmaster. He credits his success to using little-used credibility-building tactics. Go to http://www.enlowcircle.com/go/credibility to download a free complete 14-chapter marketing course on credibility and internet marketing now!

Getting Response 2 YOU

Written by Wild Bill Montgomery

Continued from page 1

1) What exactly isrepparttar benefit of your product or service? 2) How will you go about making this benefit work for them? 3) Why is your product/service more successful than others?

As soon as you haverepparttar 121715 prospect's attention (A job in itself, but headlines are another story), tell themrepparttar 121716 benefit (your product or service) that you provide.

Keep it clear, easy to understand, short and torepparttar 121717 point. Describe your service or product in such a way that there is no mistaking yours will makerepparttar 121718 difference.

Offer proof of competence, experience and testimonials. Don't over do it. Just a little invites interest, too much invites suspicion.

To turn a prospect into a customer you must make them an offer to good to turn down, but not to good to be true. Then show them how to respond torepparttar 121719 offer.

There are two ways to getrepparttar 121720 response;repparttar 121721 hard and soft response request. The difference between them isrepparttar 121722 commitment you require from them. A hard request might mean that they must commit to speaking with a representative or even committing torepparttar 121723 product or service at that time. A Soft Response onrepparttar 121724 other hand could mean getting a free brochure.

The value of each response differs as well. The CPP (Client Per Prospect) Rate is much lower from a Soft Response Request than a Hard Response Request. The way you decide to go will depend on your circumstances. Direct sales should always close with a Hard Request, whereas a department store would work better with a soft response. You must decide on your best Response Requests.

Gainingrepparttar 121725 response is what we call activating your prospect.

Important rules to calling a prospect to action: 1) Be Prepared and knowrepparttar 121726 answers. 2) You must show, tell and/or demonstrate torepparttar 121727 prospect what he/she hey are buying. 3) You must make an offer that is too good to be ignored.

A few techniques used in activating a prospect: 1) The "Free Sample" 2) The "Great Introductory Deal" 3) The "No-Risk Offer"

In Closing:

My goal here is to merely show yourepparttar 121728 possibilities that await you. These are just a few ideas to help you along inrepparttar 121729 process of gaining response.

Wild Bill Montgomery Webmaster@MakingProfit.com http://www.MakingProfit.com

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