GURU's? Man, Myth, or Monster...

Written by T.J. Archer

Continued from page 1

What do they spell? G.U.R.U. - Are you picking UP what I'm laying down here people?

The internet was created for one purpose,repparttar distribution of knowledge... it has turned into a haven of harlots, liars, cheats, and cons. As a member of this worldwide community, YOU haverepparttar 116520 ability to change that. Never inrepparttar 116521 history of humanity, has such a powerful tool been made available torepparttar 116522 common person. Our world, even today, is defined in terms of education, tax brackets, ethnic origin, pre-ordained privledges, government, & corporate influences.

Where is YOUR VOICE? What Say You now?

Are we ALL not entitled to that same respect, comfort of living, and entitlements as those who are deemed to berepparttar 116523 Gifted ones?

I don't haverepparttar 116524 money to buy a United Nations seat, but there are people in this world that DO. It's a simple observation of how GURU's have taken control of our known UNIVERSE, and it needs to end... before we ALL end up homeless. Every person that lives on this planet hasrepparttar 116525 right to enjoy, indulge, and experience a fulfilling LIFE.

M.O.N.E.Y. is no more than this, "Mankind's Obvious Neglect, Excluding Yourself"

The world can BE a better place, and YOU can help... if you want to. I only hope that you do.

Born on Date: Nov. 22, 2oo4 Author: T.J. Archer Visit - "We're empowering web marketers to create for themselves, the very resources that they USED to Pay for... & only Now its free!"

The Number One Secret To Home Business Success

Written by Dean Phillips

Continued from page 1

Next comesrepparttar third letter letter inrepparttar 116519 formula: D="DESIRE". You have to make your prospects "DESIRE" your product or service. Andrepparttar 116520 best way to do that is with benefits, benefits and more benefits!

Remember, just keep telling your reader's what your headline promised. Also, tell them what they stand to gain by purchasing your product or service. More importantly, tell them what they stand to lose, if they doesn't purchase.

Push their emotional "hot buttons", by using magic selling words like, new, save, amazing, free, guaranteed, security, no-risk, look younger, feel better, etc!

Finally, we come torepparttar 116521 last letter inrepparttar 116522 formula, but certainly notrepparttar 116523 least: A="ACTION". You want to close your ad or sales letter with a call to action! In other words, ask them forrepparttar 116524 order. It's important to ask forrepparttar 116525 order at least three times, preferably six or more.

Here are a few examples of effective closes:

1. "Just click onrepparttar 116526 button below to order NOW, Risk-Free"!

2. "To get your FREE website, Order NOW"!

3. "Don't waste another minute! Order NOW"!

Something else that's very effective is to include a post- script (P.S.) atrepparttar 116527 end of your ad or sales letter. Your post-script should include an enticement of some sort, to get your prospects to order NOW. You should also userepparttar 116528 post-script as a final call to "ACTION"!

Here's an example of an effective post-script:

P.S. "Don't forget, if your order withinrepparttar 116529 next ten days, you'll also receive a personalized calculator mouse pad FREE, with your company's name embossed in gold lettering! Order NOW"!

You can also use a post script to tie everything together, by summarizing your most important benefits.

Another reason that you should use a post-script is strictly elementary. Studies have shown that most people, when reading an ad or sales letter will readrepparttar 116530 headline and then immediately zoom right down torepparttar 116531 bottom ofrepparttar 116532 page to check outrepparttar 116533 price and see if your offer is anything that they'd be interested in.

Followrepparttar 116534 formula faithfully and it will rarely let you down.

And remember, when writing your ads and sales letters, ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS answer that one question we all want to know: "What's in it for me"?

Dean Phillips is an Internet marketing expert, writer, publisher and entrepreneur. Questions? Comments? Dean can be reached at mailto:

Visit his website at:

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