Get Approved: Mortgage Application Tips

Written by Syd Johnson

Continued from page 1

Then, follow up withrepparttar credit bureaus to make surerepparttar 112099 information has been added to your file. What type of information are you looking for: social security numbers, addresses, dates on accounts, opened accounts, closed accounts, outstanding debts, negative information that is incomplete or inaccurate.

List of assets Frankly, how much are you worth? Do you have any stocks, bonds, savings accounts, retirement plans or own another home? Again, create a master list withrepparttar 112100 items, account numbers, worth or potential worth if liquidated and addresses or contact information.

If you are planning to sell any type of asset to userepparttar 112101 money as down payment, try to completerepparttar 112102 sale at least six months prior to filing out your mortgage application. Mortgage lenders always want to see that you haverepparttar 112103 money on hand for all ofrepparttar 112104 costs associated with getting a mortgage. They generally look down on last minute buying and selling to come up with your cash. They want a snapshot of your current financial situation going back at least six months.

Supplemental paperwork If you are getting alimony or child support payments and want this to be included inrepparttar 112105 calculations preparerepparttar 112106 documentation to show how much money are you receiving and projections for how much you think you’ll receive inrepparttar 112107 future.

Bankruptcies and foreclosures Your lender will be able to find out just about everything they want about your financial history so don’t’ try to hide foreclosures and bankruptcies. Just make surerepparttar 112108 information is accurate. Gather all of your paperwork including dates, settlements or outstanding balances atrepparttar 112109 timerepparttar 112110 debt was discharged and keep it handy.

Employment History Collect W-2 forms forrepparttar 112111 last 2 to 3 years that show your employment history and income. As with your payment habits, try not to make any sudden job changes withinrepparttar 112112 6 months to 1 year period prior to applying forrepparttar 112113 loan. Income changes are especially suspect. If you experience a sudden dramatic increase or decrease in income be prepared to provide a full verbal or written explanation along with your paperwork.

Remember thatrepparttar 112114 purpose of all this data collection is make sure that you haverepparttar 112115 most accurate and update picture of your financial history to makerepparttar 112116 mortgage application process smooth and easy.

This article may be freely distributed as long as there's an active link to Syd Johnson Editor

Tax Advantages Of A Small Down Payment

Written by Syd Johnson

Continued from page 1

Use deductions to build up wealth Don’t get too concerned with your annual mortgage payments because your house will automatically increase in value every year.

You can userepparttar extra cash to invest in a tax deferred retirement account and secure a better financial future for your family. If you think about it, owning a home is like setting up an automatic savings plan. Use that to your advantage instead of pushing yourself torepparttar 112098 financial brink to pay off your mortgage.

Take advantage ofrepparttar 112099 tax benefits of financing your home and make your money work for you.

This article may be freely distributed as long as there's an active link to Syd Johnson Editor

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