HI-Rel Corporation Selects EZ-MRP

Written by Rocky Smolin

Continued from page 1

Somewhere between Excel and ERP isrepparttar core process for most manufacturers. By offeringrepparttar 136471 two versions of E-Z-MRP, no small manufacturer will be required to purchase more software than actually needed, while still havingrepparttar 136472 ability to grow intorepparttar 136473 E-Z-MRP Unlimited version.

Smolin noted that some manufacturers will start withrepparttar 136474 under 500 parts version of E-Z-MRP, priced at $2995, and grow intorepparttar 136475 new unlimited version, priced at $9800. Beach Access Software creditsrepparttar 136476 $2995 for customers who later choose to upgrade. Other small manufacturers who presently have more than five hundred parts will start right away withrepparttar 136477 E-Z-MRP Unlimited version.

To accommodaterepparttar 136478 new pricing structure E-Z-MRP offers a Leasing program that ensure a rapid Return-on-Investment.

- Lease E-Z-MRP with two full years of support for just $169.96 per month. - Lease E-Z-MRP Unlimited with two full years of support for just $495.00 per month. For more information visitrepparttar 136479 company’s web site: http://www.e-z-mrp.com, or call 858-259-4334.

Beach Access Software Rocky Smolin e-mail protected from spam bots

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How To Build Some Stability In Your Monthly Online Income

Written by EvelynLim

Continued from page 1

The problem is that there are so many membership sites and it gets confusing as to what to choose. After plenty amount of analysis, here are three basic criteria when you choose a membership site to promote:

* It has to be a quality site that provides lots of content and that is able to sell itself well.

* The site updates itself with fresh content regularly and has strong reasons for members to remain as members.

* It has an excellent compensation plan. One example of a fantastic membership site is http://www.e-SuccessMap.com/pushbutton/mktg.htm

The site is a powerhouse of resources and tools and offers a simple 5 level system, with no limit torepparttar number of direct referrals you can have. With this type of system, your income potential is unlimited.

Obviously, choosing membership sites that relate to your first online business will be a good idea as you can maximize your promotion efforts more. If your membership site relates to your first online business and when you write promotional articles, just include links to point to both sites.

There you have it. Less work for possibly more income. Payingrepparttar 136450 bills and sleeping at night just get easier.

Evelyn Lim is an online business entrepreneur. She publishes a free weekly newsletter "Mapping You to Success" for aspiring e-biz owners. The aim of her publication is to equip readers with skills to acquire multiple sources of online income. To subscribe, please visit http://www.e-BizMap.com .

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