How I Became Like My Clients For One Month

Written by Janet L. Hall

Continued from page 1

When I returned home to Maryland, allrepparttar mail, allrepparttar 111528 errands, all my clients, and all my self-imposed deadlines and other's deadlines were waiting for me.

I unpacked (although I still have a couple of files in my computer case I need to get out and put away) and started making a pile here and a pile there. Some inrepparttar 111529 kitchen, some inrepparttar 111530 living room, some inrepparttar 111531 bedroom, and some really big piles in my office!

I didn't even touchrepparttar 111532 mail forrepparttar 111533 first three days. I didn't want to look at or deal with mail orrepparttar 111534 bills. I wanted to start spring-cleaning. All my clothes needed washed, dried, and put away.

As I looked around, all I could think was, "I'm becoming my clients. No time to think about this now. I have to finish my book, create CD labels, burn 100 CD's and put labels on them. Oh MY GOD! I forgot to orderrepparttar 111535 blank CD's and labels before I left for Florida. I need them today. Okay, I'll just call and order today and get them shipped overnight. I still have to writerepparttar 111536 newsletter, return phone calls, reply to emails, and oh, I just want some really good sleep!"

The shipment came, as promised,repparttar 111537 next day. I ripped openrepparttar 111538 boxes, got everything out and started working, leavingrepparttar 111539 packing material and boxes lie, wherever… See Janet's Messy Office

I'm writing, researching, and tossing books here and there. I didn't care at that point. I thought, "I have great systems in place so when all this is over I can easily get everything back into shape, put stuff where it belongs, and get my world back into balance.

And so I have. After finishingrepparttar 111540 book, labels, CD's, returning calls and emails, and still working with clients I tackled my office. It took me just two hours to get everything in place and put away because I have a sorting and de-cluttering system, "The 5 W's of Organizing, a TEASER, and a TICKLE". And it works! See Janet's Clean Office.

We all have our own ups and downs in life; life happens. We each riderepparttar 111541 waves fromrepparttar 111542 same Universe.

When everything is going 'just right,' we are riding our up waves; sometimes not even paying attention to our good 'fortune.'

When things are going wrong we feel we are being slapped silly byrepparttar 111543 waves; causing us to tumble, crash, and sink torepparttar 111544 bottom and depths of darkness, and asking ourselves, "What did I ever do to deserve this?"

But what goes down MUST come back up!

So what can you do to help get your world back into balance, and make your down waves less powerful?

Start by getting organized. >>Create or find a common 'home' or zone for your things to live. >>KNOW what to do with your stuff (do you really need or when will you use?) >>Have systems and procedures in place.

Knowing where things "live" and how things are handled can sure make life a little easier for those 'off balance' days that we all experience.

Now I really must go. I still have to get outrepparttar 111545 newsletter, send out products, send out speaking materials, get ready for two presentations, do my taxes, take a test, read ten new books, and, oh yeah, plant some pansies inrepparttar 111546 garden and pick some asparagus.

Aha! Life is finally back to normal.

Smiles, not Piles,

Copyright (c) 2002 by OverHall Consulting P.O. Box 263, Port Republic, MD 20676 All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to reproduce, copy, or distribute this article so long as article is kept intact, this copyright notice, and full information aboutrepparttar 111547 author is attached.

The Organizing Wizard, Janet L. Hall, is a Professional Organizer, Speaker, and Author of 'Secrets of a Professional Organizer and How-To Become One.' She is the owner of OverHall Consulting and Organizing By Phone. Subscribe to her FREE organizing newsletter at or visit her web site at

Baby Name Story: Fyodor - Given by God

Written by Elmar Alex

Continued from page 1

“Now, everybody was happy and satisfied. Neither my wife nor I wanted more children, but suddenly 18 months laterrepparttar third son was born. Actually, we didn’t plan to have him but this smart guy appeared notwithstanding! Well, there’s a fallacy that a nursing woman can’t get pregnant. I think many couples makerepparttar 111527 same mistake. At least whenever I see children of whom one is a year older thanrepparttar 111528 other (like our second and third sons) I think their parents thought that way.

“We did a lot of thinking to namerepparttar 111529 third son and then suddenly I said he would be called Fyodor. Neither my wife nor I had relatives or ancestors with this name and everybody was surprised and unhappy with my idea. But I insisted because I was absolutely sure that it wasrepparttar 111530 right name forrepparttar 111531 boy. Later on I found inrepparttar 111532 book describing baby names meanings that Fyodor means "given by God". Indeedrepparttar 111533 boy was given by God. All our relatives later on agreed I had maderepparttar 111534 right choice.

Q – Pavel, you say this son was given by God. But don’t you think any baby is given by God?

A – Oh, yes, of course. But people believe they can plan their family: how many children to have, when to get them born, even to choose if it will be a boy or a girl. Fyodor was absolutely out of planning. God decided for us that we would have him. And something interesting that I didn’t knowrepparttar 111535 meaning ofrepparttar 111536 name when I thought he would be called Fyodor. Butrepparttar 111537 meaning ofrepparttar 111538 name proved to be just torepparttar 111539 point.

El Alex collects information about baby names and baby name stories all over the world. His collection is big and still growing. He is a father of three boys. People gladly tell him their stories. If you have an interesting baby name story please send it to him. Russian baby names can be found at To subscribe to his Baby Names Stories Newsletter

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