How Important it is to have a Professional Business Logo?

Written by Ray Smith

Continued from page 1
A professionally designed custom logo can be very powerful in representingrepparttar company profile,repparttar 120014 nature of job they do andrepparttar 120015 attitude ofrepparttar 120016 company. It helps to buildrepparttar 120017 identity ofrepparttar 120018 company. These days its really easy to find a professional logo designer andrepparttar 120019 best part is that they offerrepparttar 120020 service at real cheap rates which can be afforded byrepparttar 120021 smallest of business houses. There are so many logo design firm that offers excellent custom logo designs at unbelievable low rates. There are even companies that would happily do a quality logo for you for just $60-$80.Some even allow you to quote " Your Price " for "Your Logo" and they give it to you for that--what ever you quote! Does it really make sense not to have a good logo even when you can have it so cheap? The good news is, these daysrepparttar 120022 corporate houses have started to realizerepparttar 120023 importance of establishing their brand and they are acknowledgingrepparttar 120024 crucial role that a company logo plays in this process. The soonerrepparttar 120025 business houses realizerepparttar 120026 importance of professionally designed custom logo and stationeryrepparttar 120027 better it will be for them and also forrepparttar 120028 graphic designing industry.

Ray Smith is a Marketing expert with years of experience in internet marketing industry.Currently working with as a marketing advisor.

Shady Marketing Tactics – What they will Cost you and your Business or Learning to Market Responsibly.

Written by James R. Sanders

Continued from page 1

The sad part ofrepparttar situation is that those types of marketers are either just misguided or greedy. There’s so much information out there on marketing, and a great deal of it seems to focus on makingrepparttar 120013 sales at all costs. What happened to maintaining integrity to ensure your business future forrepparttar 120014 long haul? The days ofrepparttar 120015 firm handshake to seal a deal are long since gone, but has integrity died alongrepparttar 120016 wayside too? What happens whenrepparttar 120017 shady marketing tactics continue to dry uprepparttar 120018 once abundant marketing pockets and it continues to become tougher and tougher to make sales? Are we that greedy to squanderrepparttar 120019 pockets so there is none left for future marketing generations? Is it really worthrepparttar 120020 costs when your business integrity suffers inrepparttar 120021 end?

Better Marketing Principles – Honesty and Integrity and Ways they Promote Visitor Trust.

It’s all about honesty, integrity, and trust. If you can instill those emotions for your business withinrepparttar 120022 consumer’s mind, and do so in an honest manner, then you are going to be successful for a long time to come. Like that old adage goes “You’ll catch more flies with honey than you will with vinegar”. Time will always bring out a lack of integrity if one exists, just as true colors also tend to show over time. No matter what you do, if you are not sincere then inrepparttar 120023 end, it will be revealed and your business will suffer. The bait and switch is an overused marketing tactic that is loosing it’s effectiveness. Any marketing practice that is questionable or similar to that tactic is likerepparttar 120024 vinegar mentioned earlier. The “honey” is things like researching your links to make sure your visitor is going to be happy withrepparttar 120025 products you suggest. It’s letting them know thatrepparttar 120026 link might require an investment, or letting them know some personal, honest experience with repparttar 120027 link product or service that you have experienced. Sincerity and honesty will build trust, and building trust is not something that happens overnight. Far too many people have been burned onrepparttar 120028 internet. It is a time investment to overcome those bad experiences and turn a visitor around. Prevention is better than scrambling to fix a problem once it’s happened.

Meta Tag Scams and Other Shady Web Page Design Tricks.

Another marketing tactic gone south isrepparttar 120029 keyword meta tag andrepparttar 120030 other various meta tags used in a web site page design. Shady marketers have abused even those tags. I remember back when Britney Spears wasrepparttar 120031 craze and their were all kinds of searches being done atrepparttar 120032 search engines for Britney Spears. A few dubious marketers decided to add “Britney Spears” to meta tags and wound up getting top page rankings inrepparttar 120033 search engine reports forrepparttar 120034 search term “Britney Spears”. The problem, most of those pages had nothing to do with Britney Spears or her music to begin with. That didn’t last long as Google and allrepparttar 120035 other search engines scrambled quickly to change their algorithms to keeprepparttar 120036 shady marketers from manipulating their results. We all paid for it inrepparttar 120037 end. Web sites that were once ranked highly either found themselves out ofrepparttar 120038 rankings or dropped drastically in rank. Another old adage comes to mind “It’srepparttar 120039 one that spoils it forrepparttar 120040 rest of us”.

Speaking ofrepparttar 120041 search engine ranking stuff, another craze was long paragraphs of repeating keyword phrases and text usingrepparttar 120042 page color to hide it, used as a means to manipulate search engine ranking. The results arerepparttar 120043 same asrepparttar 120044 Britney Spears meta tag scam. Marketing is definitely an area whererepparttar 120045 actions of others will come back to bite you inrepparttar 120046 backside inrepparttar 120047 end. If you don’t watch whom you link to, then you can be “guilty by association”. That brings to mindrepparttar 120048 link farms that used to enjoy high ranking inrepparttar 120049 search engines. These worthless sites composed of nothing but a bunch of links to other sites and created specifically to boostrepparttar 120050 listed sites ranking are another shady marketing practice that has fallen byrepparttar 120051 wayside. Andrepparttar 120052 list continues to go on and on. Some just look at these ideas as valid marketing tactics that worked, and to a degree, I’d have to agree with them, but they worked at what price? How many visitors were forever turned off by questionable marketing tactics? How many visitors lost substantial amounts of money inrepparttar 120053 process? How much money will future marketers need to spend to undorepparttar 120054 negative results past marketers have caused forrepparttar 120055 marketing industry? The damage remains to be seen, but little by little, once tried and true marketing ideas are becoming less and less effective. Do I want to make a buck? Sure I do, but NOT atrepparttar 120056 expense of my company’s integrity nor atrepparttar 120057 expense of my visitors, nor atrepparttar 120058 expense of future marketing generations to come.

Better Marketing Practices – How They’ll pay off and who they Benefit.

All this brings me torepparttar 120059 predominant point of this article. There are a few actually. The first and foremost is learning to think about your marketing tactics before you just implement things that could be labeled as shady. The best relationship you can build with your potential visitors is trust. This is a long and involved process but offers long-term payoffs that are well worthrepparttar 120060 work investment. Takingrepparttar 120061 quick or easy route will always cause you to miss something that will prevent you from forming that bond with your visitors. Withrepparttar 120062 mass of circuits, tubes, and chips sitting before you, it’s sometimes hard to remember that your actions are affecting other human beings with some of repparttar 120063 same hopes and desires that you have. Remember that you are interacting with them and helping them to meet those hopes and dreams. If you hadrepparttar 120064 same hope or dream you are offering them, would you want to be treatedrepparttar 120065 way that you are treating them? It’srepparttar 120066 golden rule personified. Learn to practice ethical marketing concepts that protect your visitors while building trust and integrity. Once you accomplish that, there is nothing on earth that can prevent your self-employment dreams. Until next article, be good to one another. Give your visitorsrepparttar 120067 safety and protection they need, and you will benefit inrepparttar 120068 end.

James R. Sanders is the owner of Sanders Consultation Group Plus. He has been a webmaster and web site designer since 1997, and involved in self-employment ventures since 1992. He is presently a contributing author of NewbieHangout, and has been published through WebProNews. You can email him at

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