How To Choose A Scooter For Your Needs

Written by Stanley Lim

Continued from page 1

For our Seniors who need mobility, motorized mobility scooters help them to move around and continue to have a mobile lifestyle. Many elderly patients like scooters since they provide a very comfortable ride because they absorb shock. Most can achieve speeds of up to four miles per hour. The single most important consideration for choosing a mobility scooter isrepparttar ability ofrepparttar 150885 rider orrepparttar 150886 person who will need to lift it in and out of a car.

Get further tips on how to choose a scooter, how to ride a kick scooter, how to maintain your scooter to keep it in tip top condition and how to ride a scooter with maximum safety. If you desire speed, you can learn more aboutrepparttar 150887 pocketbikes and superbikes. If you are a senior, you can learn more about mobility scooters. Learn more about scooters and view stunning photographs of them before any purchase fromrepparttar 150888 Scooter Guide


Stanley Lim is an avid outdoor enthusiast who has a keen interest in adventure sports including leisure scootering and motorbike riding, sky diving and snorkeling. For some stunningly beautiful photographs ofrepparttar 150889 types of scooters currently available onrepparttar 150890 market and more free information, view his Online Guide on Scooters at You may reprint this article as long as it is left unchanged together with this resource box.

Stanley Lim is an avid outdoor enthusiast who has a keen interest in adventure sports including leisure scootering and motorbike riding, sky diving and snorkeling. For some stunningly beautiful photographs of the types of scooters currently available on the market and more free information, view his Online Guide on Scooters at

Mini Dirt Bikes

Written by Andrew Green

Continued from page 1

A helmet and safety suit should be worn an at all times when riding a mini dirt bike, and riding without these is dangerous and fool hardy. As long as you pay close attention torepparttar safety ofrepparttar 150626 rider, though, mini dirt bikes are incredibly good fun and a really good way to getrepparttar 150627 adrenalin pumping.

How much do mini dirt bikes cost?

The bike itself is comparatively inexpensive, when compared to a full size dirt bike, and you can expect to pay anywhere between £150 and £300 (roughly $300 and $600) depending onrepparttar 150628 make, model and specifications you require. You also need to buy a strong helmet and protective clothing if you want to take this seriously and safely. These can vary dramatically in price dependant on whether you wantrepparttar 150629 outfit to matchrepparttar 150630 bike, whether you buy a well-known brand and whether you buy new or used.

Obviously you have to pay for petrol but this is next to nothing because a two-stroke 47cc engine will literally run for miles on a litre of petrol. Apart from that, repairs or new parts are reallyrepparttar 150631 only other price you need to take into consideration and again, these are relatively inexpensive.

Dirt Bikes HQ,, for lots of information about dirt biking.

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