How to Get Radio Interviews to Promote Your Service

Written by Mike Moore

Continued from page 1

Askrepparttar producer orrepparttar 103241 assistant if they would give outrepparttar 103242 name of your book and/or your website nearrepparttar 103243 end ofrepparttar 103244 interview. I have never had them refuse and they usually mention my contact information a number of times duringrepparttar 103245 interview.

Prepare about five talking points for use inrepparttar 103246 interview. Write them down so you can stay on track. I find that 5 points are more than enough to directrepparttar 103247 flow ofrepparttar 103248 interview.

I purchased a phone mic. from Radio Shack to record all my interviews. The one I have has a suction cup on one end that I stick torepparttar 103249 phone receiver and plugrepparttar 103250 other end into my tape recorder. When I receiverepparttar 103251 call fromrepparttar 103252 radio station I press "record" and I am off and running. Afterrepparttar 103253 interview I listen to it and critique my performance.

Give radio interviews a try. It’s a great way to get publicity by staying at home and speaking to thousands onrepparttar 103254 phone.

Subscribe to Mike’s monthly newsletter Profitable Speaking ( no charge) Send a blank email to

Miie Moore is an international speaker on Humor and Stress, Humor in the Workplace and Humor and Human Potential. His cartoons and articles have appeared in publications throughout the world.

Think Outside The Box!

Written by Robert Thompson

Continued from page 1

About five years ago, I needed an additional $1500.00 in order to pay for all ofrepparttar deposits that I owed onrepparttar 103240 new store that I was about to open. I thought about it a bit, and identified a niche in my community that no one else was targeting.

=> It was about three weeks before Memorial Day, 2000 a very patriotic holiday

=> I am a retired veteran ofrepparttar 103241 USAF

=> I am a member ofrepparttar 103242 VFW

One plus one plus one equals $1500.00.

What I did was to take an SMC eagle statue to my VFW post after contactingrepparttar 103243 Quartermaster to get permission to solicitrepparttar 103244 post. He welcomed me.

I ended up selling him 15 eagle statues at twicerepparttar 103245 wholesale price. I was so emboldened by this bit of success, that I called every VFW and American Legion post in Anchorage to make appointments. I didn't get my foot into every door, but I still hadrepparttar 103246 most fun that I ever had, and earned all ofrepparttar 103247 $1500.00 that I needed in just a few hours.


3. Ignore anyone who is negative about what you are trying to do with your home business. Whiners and Snivellers never do anything but try to drag others down to their level in order to justify their miserable existance. Since they haven't figured outrepparttar 103248 secret code, they want to make sure that someone else doesn't either.

Stay positive, have fun with your business, and be tenacious! Never give up because of a setback. Because, that is all it is. Setbacks are not failures, they are opportunities to learn and refine.

Thomas Edison screwed up a lot of blown glass bulbs before he finally figured outrepparttar 103249 light bulb. He took tremendous amounts of notes concerning his failures and learned from each of them. You should dorepparttar 103250 same thing in your business. Every time that you try a new tactic that doesn't work out, learn a lesson from it and apply it torepparttar 103251 next attempt. Eventually,repparttar 103252 light bulb will come on, and you will earn a profit.

Robert Thompson is retired from the United States Air Force and has operated several successful businesses. He is a proud Team Leader with SFI and enjoys helping others to create wealth from the comfort of their homes. For information on how you can share in the multi-billion dollar home business industry, visit For a free copy of the Stay at Home Jobs Newsletter, send a blank Email to

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