How to Identify a Problem Solver

Written by Harry Joiner

Continued from page 1

4. Develop an action plan: Haverepparttar candidate recap their detailed action plan. Most action plans for tough problems involve taking several steps over a period of time. In his recap, doesrepparttar 104237 candidate specify who did what? And by what dates? The devil is inrepparttar 104238 details, and detailed problem solvers are usually more effective than generalists.

5. Troubleshoot: This is whererepparttar 104239 candidate can recaprepparttar 104240 worst cases scenarios. What could have gone wrong in his plan? What might have beenrepparttar 104241 side effects? How didrepparttar 104242 candidate ensure this plan would work? Were there any unintended consequences?

6. Communicate: Getting information torepparttar 104243 right people is key for gettingrepparttar 104244 buy-in to make it a success. Haverepparttar 104245 candidate address which individuals or groups affectedrepparttar 104246 success of his action plan. Does he explain who was impacted by it and who needed to be informed about it? How did he communicate with relevant parties? The most effective executives are those who can leverage their time and talents by getting things done through other people. This is your opportunity to build your company's management bench.

7. Implement: Haverepparttar 104247 candidate address who carried outrepparttar 104248 plan and monitor its implementation. Who was accountable for each part ofrepparttar 104249 solution? What wererepparttar 104250 consequences for failure to meetrepparttar 104251 plan? Try to determine: As a manager, willrepparttar 104252 candidate be "hard onrepparttar 104253 issues and soft onrepparttar 104254 people?"

Drilling down on how a candidate has solved problems inrepparttar 104255 past will give you a good idea of how they will solve problems inrepparttar 104256 future. Think in terms ofrepparttar 104257 quality, consistency, and costs of their solutions. Duringrepparttar 104258 interview, you must getrepparttar 104259 candidate to be specific about their problem solving experience. Minimizerepparttar 104260 chances of being duped by gettingrepparttar 104261 candid to recap in vividdetail exactly what happened in a given situation.

Think like a little kid: Ask "Why?" or "How?" to everything they say. If you don't challenge them duringrepparttar 104262 interview process, you may pay a steep price later for your lack of persistence.

Harry Joiner comes to The SearchLogix Group from Reliable Growth, an Atlanta-based Sales and Marketing consultancy which he founded in August 2001.

Email Harry at


Written by Manufactured by LS Systems

Continued from page 1

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