How to get your own Website for under $15 a year in 3 Simple Steps

Written by Ali Zain.

Continued from page 1

Saverepparttar modified template as index.html in a new folder on your desktop. Make sure to put allrepparttar 132733 images in that same folder.

Second step would be to host our site out there onrepparttar 132734 Internet. For thatrepparttar 132735 best low cost and reliable host that I’ve always hosted all my sites is Their hosting is rated #1 for low cost and reliable hosts on Hosting Rated Sites. For only $5.99 per year, they provide you with 10MB of disk space, 1GB of Bandwidth for transfer, 2 POP3 email accounts, 1 MySQL Database, 2 Sub domains e.g. and lots of other features.

Once you haverepparttar 132736 hosting setup, all you have to do is just uploadrepparttar 132737 template that you saved on your desktop through some FTP program (e.g. WSFTP) to you’re your site.

Our third and last step in building our website is to register our site onrepparttar 132738 Internet. For that you would need to go to and get your domain registered for only $8.95 a year. They also provide you with my features like free ownership change, domain forwarding and domain locking. Once you’ve registeredrepparttar 132739 domain and updatedrepparttar 132740 name servers field provided byrepparttar 132741 hosting company then your site should be available onrepparttar 132742 net inrepparttar 132743 next 48-72 hours.

Let’s see our total costs now:

1- Web Template = $0

2- Hosting Cost = $5.99

3- Domain Cost = $8.95

Total Site Costs = $14.94

So that’s all there’s to it. You get your own personal or business site in 3 steps and for less than 15 bucks.

Ali Zain is the webmaster and president of, the premier site on the net for free I.T. Training. Subscribe to his site's newsletter at for some of the best Tech Articles ever written on Net. You'll also receive best I.T. Advice, tips-n-tricks newsletter and other goodies

Common Advertising MISTAKES

Written by jim Peters

Continued from page 1

4. The cc: field filled with dozens of addresses orrepparttar To: field for that matter. If you need to sendrepparttar 132731 same e-mail to more than 1 recipient userepparttar 132732 bcc: field. If your mail program does not offer a bcc: field GET ONE THAT DOES! There are so many reasons for this it would take another entire article to address all of them. Butrepparttar 132733 main one in my opinion is you do not haverepparttar 132734 right to advertise those addresses torepparttar 132735 world. It is very bad netiquette. You loose another 10%

5. HTML other than url's. There are many, many people out there that don't haverepparttar 132736 $10,000 set up that you have, and their mail programs DO NOT translate HTML into anything but gibberish. If you want your message to be read, write and send it in plain text. The percentage here is probably higher but again we'll say 10%.

6. Sending e-mailrepparttar 132737 size of War and Peace. Here again there are a number of reasons not to do this. Besidesrepparttar 132738 main one, there are a lot of people out there that are limited inrepparttar 132739 amount of space their mail server will allow. Mine (yes, I still maintain one of those free addresses) for example is 2000k. When my inbox, saved mail and drafts exceeds that amount my mail STOPS. Not 1 day goes by that I don't receive at least one 75 to 100k e-mail. 20 of those and I'm out of business. The other important reason,repparttar 132740 recipient just won't takerepparttar 132741 time to read a book in there e-mail. A message of that length needs to be on a web page. Opp's we lost another 10%

Ok, let's examine what happens when we make all those mistakes in sending out 1000 of our e-mail ad's. Right offrepparttar 132742 bat we loose 50% by not addressing our offer torepparttar 132743 recipient. That reduces our mailing to 500. We loose another 10% for our return address. Were down to 400. 10% more for no subject, now were at 300. We decided to advertise those addresses our up-line sent us torepparttar 132744 whole world and lost another 10%. Now were down to 200. Our new e-mail program is really neat and we put flowers and red, white, and blue stripes on our outgoing messages, now were down to 100. We had such a great story to tell and we were just so excited about allrepparttar 132745 neat stuff we spent 2 whole hours writing down every detail. You just lost your last 100 potential customers.

Granted, I have never received a single e-mail that contained all of those mistakes, but it only takes 1 or 2 to significantly reduce your response rate. You can't afford to let all your efforts and hard work go to waste by making these easily correctable mistakes.

"Your Success Is Our Success"


[ jim Peters is Manager of NSI "SOLUTIONS". NSI specializes in custom website design,promotion, maintenance, domain registration ,site hosting ,site and graphic design, as well as e-commerce packages for small to medium sized companies. In other words "SOLUTIONS".]

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