Increasing Team Effectiveness

Written by Adam Park

Continued from page 1

While I managed a portfolio of Midwestern properties for Cohen-Esrey, I oversaw a team of twenty-five employees. Each property withinrepparttar portfolio had individuals on-site managingrepparttar 104857 day to day operations. I met often withrepparttar 104858 teams for two reasons: •To collaborate onrepparttar 104859 business objectives forrepparttar 104860 property. •To ensure that these objectives were clearly communicated. I rarely involved myself with decisions that directly affectedrepparttar 104861 day to day operation ofrepparttar 104862 building. This allowedrepparttar 104863 manager to have a clear sense of their role and accountability. Finally, I encouraged these managers to communicate within their professional peer group; this encouraged joint problem solving and knowledge sharing. These actions led torepparttar 104864 tangible result of lower employee turnover.

While at Reuters in London undertaking a Customer Relationship Management project, I led a team of five individuals. Each of us had different skill sets and internal reporting lines, which made for a complex situation. Early inrepparttar 104865 project, we clearly definedrepparttar 104866 roles of each participant, andrepparttar 104867 deliverables ofrepparttar 104868 project. Communication was extensive, but we still experienced a lack of trust at times. This was resolved through impromptu, non-confrontational face to face meetings, and short, weekly progress meetings. Despiterepparttar 104869 challenges torepparttar 104870 project,repparttar 104871 team implementedrepparttar 104872 CRM deliverable, resulting in higher customer loyalty.

While I worked in Singapore, I worked with a culturally diverse team. Our task was to develop more business for HSBC fromrepparttar 104873 Asian region. To do this, Americans, Australians, and local Chinese needed to communicate clearly. Surprisingly, I found thatrepparttar 104874 best way to develop a cohesive team was to dine out together as a group. Once we all understood each other on an informal basis, our communication and collaboration improved dramatically.

In summary, effective teams have three aspects in common: Productive climate, clear roles, and principled leadership. Although developing each aspect can be challenging,repparttar 104875 rewards of higher profits are worthrepparttar 104876 effort.

Adam C. Park is a business development consultant based in Chicago, USA. He has written articles concerning Improving Customer Loyalty, Effective Risk Management and Deeper Cultural Understanding. He can be reached at

What You Need To Know About Incorporating Your Business

Written by Diane Hughes

Continued from page 1

TRUTH While incorporating your business will help protect you from lawsuits and from having your personal property seized, there are more benefits than that. The tax savings can be quite significant.

MYTH Withrepparttar attorney’s fees,repparttar 104856 CPA’s fees,repparttar 104857 additional income tax returns, andrepparttar 104858 forms I have to file quarterly, it’s just not worth it. I won’t really save any money.

TRUTH Every case is different; however, most small businesses will more than make uprepparttar 104859 $1500 - $2000 it costs to incorporate withinrepparttar 104860 first six months to one year. Also, most small businesses will save about 50% on taxes after they incorporate. (A qualified CPA will be able to look at your books and give you a more accurate figure.)

MYTH I’ll have to hold meetings and keep lots of records that I don’t have time to keep.

TRUTH Not if you register as a "closed" S-Corporation. This means you have waivedrepparttar 104861 requirement to hold all those meetings and keep all those records.

How Do You Get Specific Details?

Contact a qualified CPA in your local area. He or she can give you detailed information on how much it will cost to set everything up, and - most importantly - how much you will save in taxes.

Incorporation is not something to be afraid of. In fact, if you’re one ofrepparttar 104862 many who will save 50% off your taxes inrepparttar 104863 next year, it’s something to go after with a vengeance!

Diane C. Hughes *

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