Is There Money To Be Made In Depression Glass

Written by Murray Hughes

Continued from page 1

The current market is relative to several things, which make price-guide books just that – guides. The best books can only give us ballpark figures because so many other things affect what we can or can’t get for a piece of Depression glass. Where inrepparttar country -- orrepparttar 136306 world -- you’re located,repparttar 136307 supply and demand for whatever piece or pieces you’re buying or selling, and, of course,repparttar 136308 rarity and condition ofrepparttar 136309 glassware you’re interested in – all these factor in to determine current market conditions.

Another thing to always remember is this bottom line: Anything – whatever it may be – is worth whatever you are willing to give for it or to sell it for. It all boils down to how badly you want that Blue Ritz Royal Lace piece – or how badly you want to get rid of it.

So go ahead and get your hands onrepparttar 136310 most current guidebook. Study up on what people are giving and getting for pieces you’re interested in. Talk to an expert, if you can. Afterward, use that information as a tool and a guideline, only. And then go purchase or sell that Depression glass piece and get your feet wet inrepparttar 136311 marketplace.

There’s no greater teacher than experience! Until next time,

Murray Hughes

If you enjoyed this article by Murray Hughes, then visit http:www.// now and enroll in the free Depression Glass course "The 5 Essential Steps To Becoming A Depression Glass Collector"

Depression Glass Trivia

Written by Murray Hughes

Continued from page 1

Ofrepparttar 200+ patterns of Depression glass created, footed salt and pepper shakers from Hocking’s Mayfair design demand some ofrepparttar 136305 very highest prices. Don't flinch when (or if) you have a close encounter with one: They go for more than $9,000, which makes them 1 ofrepparttar 136306 most expensive items of all Depression glass patterns atrepparttar 136307 time of writing this article.

Hazel-Atlas producedrepparttar 136308 Aurora pattern in beautiful cobalt blue for one year only – from 1937 to 1938.

Jeanette and Federal glass companies manufacturedrepparttar 136309 two most reproduced patterns, Cherry Blossom and Madrid. Jeanette produced 43 pieces ofrepparttar 136310 Cherry Blossom design from 1930 to 1939 in five colors. Federal’s Madrid output numbered 45 pieces in five colors from 1932 to 1939. The popularity of these designs, of course, made reproductions impossible to avoid, but also makesrepparttar 136311 original Depression-era versions that much harder to detect.

This article, perhaps, may inspire you to dig deeper and find out even more aboutrepparttar 136312 Depression glass products we’ve all come to love. Hopefully, with these bits and pieces of trivia, you’ve learned something you didn’t already know. If you haven’t, then you need to be writing your own articles on Depression glass trivia and enlighteningrepparttar 136313 rest of us! But if you have benefited, you can safely know thatrepparttar 136314 next time you’re sitting next to that 40-year collector at convention, you, too, have more comments to make than just about “all those pretty, Depression glass colors!”

Until next time,

Murray Hughes

If you enjoyed this article by Murray Hughes, then visit http:www.// now and enroll in the free Depression Glass course "The 5 Essential Steps To Becoming A Depression Glass Collector"

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