Is Your Pursuit of Money Robbing You Of Complete Fulfillment?

Written by David Hopkins

Continued from page 1

Matthew 6:24 - No man can serve two masters: for either he will haterepparttar one, and loverepparttar 126453 other; or else he will hold torepparttar 126454 one, and despiserepparttar 126455 other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

Inrepparttar 126456 particular verse above mammon means a personification of wealth and avarice as an evil spirit, which means there is a certain obsession you can have with money that will make it your God.

What's more when we get money and fame it becomes easy for us to distract ourselves fromrepparttar 126457 really important things like serving God and helpingrepparttar 126458 needy. Instead, we tend to indulge ourselves in sexual pleasures or expensive purchases, and even more than usual because it seems likerepparttar 126459 quick and easy way to get our minds off of our troubles whenever they arise.

Every one of us can see that some ofrepparttar 126460 most rich and famous people inrepparttar 126461 world are alsorepparttar 126462 most confused workers of iniquity. We can also tell that these arerepparttar 126463 people that most of us and our kids may tend to idolize because we think they "got it made" by being so rich and famous. Particularly, entertainers like actors, rappers, singers and sports stars who we always see on T.V.

But in reality they are lost souls covering their troubles with indulgences. It's not wise to want to be like them and we shouldn't condone our kids wanting to be like them either.

I'm not saying its a bad thing to be rich I'm just saying that money should berepparttar 126464 furthest thing from our minds if we really call ourselves wanting to be happy.

Matthew 6:33 - But seek ye firstrepparttar 126465 kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

The point is simply this, if you go out of your way to serve and please God (especially threw hard times) He will bless you exceedingly and abundantly above and beyond all that you could ever ask for or even think about.

And this is not limited to just money, but also love, health and success just to name a few.

David Hopkins is a "Christian Article Writer" who specializes in helping people remember to glorify God in everything that they do, so they don't miss out on any of His wonderful blessings.

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Amos And Social Justice Part 2

Written by Rev. Saundra L. Washington

Continued from page 1

However we may want to look at it,repparttar prophecy of Amos went directly torepparttar 126452 heart of matters. It stripped pretence fromrepparttar 126453 judicial system, where favoritism rather than justice prevailed; from industry and commerce, whererepparttar 126454 love of gain had oustedrepparttar 126455 love of man; from altars of religion, where officials were busy with their services and indifference to reality.

Amos bluntly told Israel that they were a bunch of greedy, unjust, unclean and profane people who defended and excused themselves onrepparttar 126456 ground that they were God’s elect and therefore, no real evil could befall them. But he rejected this notion and adamantly declared that God knew no favoritism. In fact, he asserted thatrepparttar 126457 opposite was true. The fact that Israel had been chosen above allrepparttar 126458 nations ofrepparttar 126459 earth had placed greater moral obligations upon them. Torepparttar 126460 extent that they failed to meet these obligations would their punishment be greater than that of their enemies.

Neither did Amos “bite his tongue” either when admonishingrepparttar 126461 women of his day whom he called “cows of Bashan” because they only cared for luxury and worldly pleasures (4:11). He pictures them as a group of heartless, ignorant women who used folks to gratify their own lustful appetites.

It’s troubling torepparttar 126462 spirit when one thinks about howrepparttar 126463 people of Israel thought ofrepparttar 126464 “Day ofrepparttar 126465 Lord.” In their minds, it would be a grand and glorious event when God would defeat all their opponents; give themrepparttar 126466 privilege of rule, and shower her with allrepparttar 126467 material advantages her patriots desired. Then here comesrepparttar 126468 party killer, Amos, with words of dread and judgment.

I wonder if there is any similarity between ancient Israel and modern America. Just a thought!

Rev. Saundra L. Washington, is an ordained clergywoman, social worker, and Founder of AMEN Ministries. She is also the author of two coffee table books: Room Beneath the Snow, Poems that Preach and Negative Disturbances, Homilies that Teach. To learn more about the author and AMEN Ministries please visit her site at

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