Is there a shortcut to successful online business?

Written by Richard Grady

Continued from page 1

Let's look at a similar situation that arose a couple of years ago. Stephen Pierce (who was unknown atrepparttar time in Internet marketing circles) released an eBook about his online success. One chapter ofrepparttar 108612 eBook covered something that he called 'Smart Pages'. There were, quite simply pages which had been designed in a certain way to rank well in search engines. They were completely different torepparttar 108613 directory pages I have mentioned above butrepparttar 108614 concept wasrepparttar 108615 same - fast, free traffic to your site fromrepparttar 108616 main search engines.

Smart Pages were big business for, I guess, a year after Stephen's eBook was published - software was written to create them, more eBooks were written, I even tested them and wrote about them myself.

Gradually though their effectiveness started to reduce and nowadays, I doubt that any serious Internet marketer would even consider using Smart Page technology. I am sure however that for that period of a year, a lot of people made a lot of money fromrepparttar 108617 Smart Page concept.

Just to illustrate this point further, I did a search on Google today forrepparttar 108618 term 'Smart Pages' and not one person is paying to advertise using Adwords for this search term - not one! How often does that happen?

As I say,repparttar 108619 directory sites that TE and other software products create are completely different to Smart Pages and do at least have some content butrepparttar 108620 fact is that they are being mass-produced and in many cases people are not even bothering to changerepparttar 108621 standard page templates that come withrepparttar 108622 software. If Google (or any other large search engine) wanted to excluderepparttar 108623 results of such pages, in most cases it would be pretty easy for them to do and if your only traffic comes from these very search engines, any income could stop overnight.

So what isrepparttar 108624 point of this article? Am I telling you not to use this technology?

Absolutely not - I have been testingrepparttar 108625 various software products available myself to see how well they work so I am certainly not saying 'Don't do this'. What I am saying is that you should be aware ofrepparttar 108626 risks. You should be aware that you 'might' wake up one morning and find that as far asrepparttar 108627 search engines are concerned, your automated pages no longer exist and therefore don't rely on methods such as these for your entire income. In other words, don't put all your eggs in one basket - make hay whilerepparttar 108628 sun shines but be prepared when it eventually goes in :-)

Plenty of people make a good living jumping from one fad or craze torepparttar 108629 next but it can be a risky business. Just make sure you are aware ofrepparttar 108630 risks.

Richard Grady has been helping ordinary people earn online since 1998. He writes a free newsletter which is published every two weeks. To subscribe (and claim your free gifts), visit:

Five Ways to Kill Your Home Business

Written by Craig Friesen

Continued from page 1

4) Join everything. If it is free to join, why not? Affiliate marketers especially are always onrepparttar lookout forrepparttar 108611 next great business opportunity. What happens, however, is that unlessrepparttar 108612 business opportunity somehow compliments your primary home based business then you are going to end up spreading your efforts thin. Choose programs to join that provide you with marketing leverage or which will enhance what you are offering without providing unwanted competition. The other danger with free progams is that once you join there may very well be an "upgrade opportunity" that you will find difficult to pass up. Be sure that this is what you want before you click onrepparttar 108613 payment button...all those free programs upgraded adds up soon!

5) Spend lots of money on advertising. This is a tough one. You would think thatrepparttar 108614 people who spendrepparttar 108615 most money getrepparttar 108616 most traffic to their websites and therefore earnrepparttar 108617 most money. While this may be true, how much are you willing to spend to haverepparttar 108618 kind of traffic volume to your business opportunity that is going to pay off? It is really hard to tell. The best advice I can give you is to take it slow. Trackrepparttar 108619 results of every advertising campaign so that you can assess how effectiverepparttar 108620 method or ad itself is. If you do not track your marketing then you might just be throwing money downrepparttar 108621 drain. Spend too much too fast and you might soon find it difficult to keep your home based business running. You might even adversely affect your current lifestyle by piling up bills that you can't pay becauserepparttar 108622 website advertising you chose is not bringing you a good return on investment.

There are other things that can help your home business become successful or kill it. And these may not berepparttar 108623 "top 5" for you. Just listing these made me think of another 5 that have probably hurt my own home business. Time to make some adjustments!

Craig Friesen is a freelance writer and home business entrepreneur. Find other articles, ideas, resources and opportunities for home business or subscribe to the free newsletter.

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