Joseph Campbell

Written by Robert Bruce Baird

Continued from page 1

Inrepparttar third place,repparttar 137954 work ofrepparttar 137955 literary man andrepparttar 137956 artist is in danger. We need not worry aboutrepparttar 137957 popular entertainer: he will be more in demand than ever. But we may worry aboutrepparttar 137958 artists of social satire: theirs will be a plight very likerepparttar 137959 plight ofrepparttar 137960 objective social scientist. And we may worry aboutrepparttar 137961 creative writers, painters, sculptors, and musicians devoted torepparttar 137962 disciplines of pure art. The philistine (that is to sayrepparttar 137963 man without hunger for poetry and art) will never understandrepparttar 137964 importance of these enthusiasts. But those of you whose way of personal discipline and discovery isrepparttar 137965 way ofrepparttar 137966 arts will understand that if you are to keep in touch with your own centers of energy, you must not allow yourself to be tricked into believing that social criticism is proper art, or that sensational entertainment is proper art, or that journalistic realism is proper art. You must not give up your self-exploration in your own terms. The politicians are such a blatant crew and their causes are so obvious that it is exceedingly difficult to remember, when they surround you, anything butrepparttar 137967 surfaces of life….

The artist—in so far as he is an artist—looks atrepparttar 137968 world dispassionately: without thought of defending his ego or his friends; without thought of undoing any enemy; troubled neither with desire or loathing. He is as dispassionate asrepparttar 137969 scientist, but he is looking not forrepparttar 137970 causes of effects, he is simply looking—sinking his eye intorepparttar 137971 object. To his eye this object permanently revealsrepparttar 137972 fascination of a hidden name or essential form…

Now this perfectly well-known crisis, which transports a beholder beyond desire and loathing, isrepparttar 137973 first step not only to art, but to humanity. And it isrepparttar 137974 artist who is its hero. It cannot be said, therefore, thatrepparttar 137975 artist is finally anti-social, even though from an economic point of view his work may be superfluous; even though he may seem to be sitting pretty much alone.

Inrepparttar 137976 fourth place,repparttar 137977 preaching of religion is in danger. God isrepparttar 137978 first fortress that a warlike nation must capture, andrepparttar 137979 ministers of religion are always, always, always ready to deliver God intorepparttar 137980 hands of their king or their president. We hear of it already—this arm-in-arm blood brotherhood of democracy and Christianity…

And how quickrepparttar 137981 ministers of religion are to judgerepparttar 137982 soul ofrepparttar 137983 enemy; whenrepparttar 137984 founder of their faith is reputed to have said: ‘Judge not, that you may never be judged.’ How quick they are to point atrepparttar 137985 splinter inrepparttar 137986 enemy eye, before they have looked forrepparttar 137987 plank that sticks in their own! ‘Give to Caesarrepparttar 137988 things that are Caesar’s, and to Godrepparttar 137989 things that are God’s,’ is notrepparttar 137990 phrase for a political emergency. ‘Love your neighbor as yourself,’ is notrepparttar 137991 phrase for a political emergency… And perhaps it would be well to remember that evenrepparttar 137992 inhabitants ofrepparttar 137993 democracies were born with original sin on their souls: and that not evenrepparttar 137994 President ofrepparttar 137995 United States has any objective assurance that he isrepparttar 137996 vicar of Christ on earth.

We are all groping in this valley of tears, and if a Mr. Hitler collides with a Mr. Churchill, we are not in conscience bound to believe that a devil had collided with a saint (Biblio: This phrase was quoted out of context, with a predictably horrifying impact on modern sensibilities, inrepparttar 137997 New York Times article of 1989 on Campbell’s alleged bigotry.)—Keep those transcendent terms out of your political thinking—do not donaterepparttar 137998 things of God to Caesar—and you will go a long way toward keeping a sane head.

I believe, finally, that education is going to suffer duringrepparttar 137999 next few years, as it did duringrepparttar 138000 last war. You will be tempted to forget that you are educating yourselves to be women: you will imagine that you are educating yourselves to be patriots. Primarily you are human beings; secondarily you are members of a certain social class. Primarily you are human beings; secondarily you are daughters ofrepparttar 138001 present century. If you devote yourselves exclusively, or even primarily, to peculiarities ofrepparttar 138002 local scene andrepparttar 138003 present moment, you will wonder, fifteen years from now, what you did with your education…

I would not say thatrepparttar 138004 Way of Knowledge isrepparttar 138005 only way to human fulfillment: but it is a majestic way; it is a way represented byrepparttar 138006 innumerable sciences, arts, philosophical and theological systems of mankind. The final danger is not (let me repeat this emphatically in closing),repparttar 138007 final danger is not that mankind may lose these things (for, if Europe and America were to be blown away entirely, there would remain millions and millions of subtly disciplined human beings—who might even feel relieved to see us go!). The great danger is that you—unique you—may be tricked into missing your education.” (4)

I am such a fan of Mr. Campbell and there are so many things of his which I quote in different books that some think I am nuts about him. The facts he presents have been added to inrepparttar 138008 archaeological and linguistic or anthropological, so I really end up quoting more of his pure spiritual ecumenicism thoughts. But when a potential editor from my alma mater who had 14 years post secondary education and had been a professor commented about Campbell being a Nazi sympathizer – I lost interest in him. He also was stupid enough to suggestrepparttar 138009 Pyramids had nothing unknown to academia – RIGHT!!

Columnist for The ES Press Magazine Author of Diverse Druids guest writer

Making Mother’s Day Special

Written by Marguerite Bonneville

Continued from page 1

3.The next list is her talents. Where does she excel? For example, is she artistic? Does she paint, draw, sculpt, arrange flowers or decorate well? Do you exhibitrepparttar same traits or perhaps a variation? Does she have a good singing voice? Good looks? An ability for math, English, writing, gardening, science? What natural talents do you share with her?

4.The final list focuses on what she taught you. Did she instil specific values, beliefs, attitudes that have served you in your life? Did she teach you skills that have benefited you in some way? Did she arrange lessons in other areas where you expressed an interest, so that you could develop new skills or talents? This is a gift too.

5.What is her greatest gift to you?

6.When your list is complete, set aside an hour or so and write a thank you letter. It doesn’t have to be sweet or sentimental. Just list allrepparttar 136595 gifts she’s given you, whether through heredity, example or teaching, and thank her for them. You can embellish your message if you wish, butrepparttar 136596 whole point ofrepparttar 136597 exercise is to express your gratitude for what she has contributed to your life.

7.You can handwriterepparttar 136598 message, type it into your computer, and print it in a plain or calligraphic font. Whatever feels right for you.

8.Then include it withrepparttar 136599 card you give her on Mother’s Day. It will be an occasion she’ll never forget.

Marguerite Bonneville is a Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) whose passion is publishing information online. She is a contributing writer at, an online florist service which delivers flowers around Australia and across the globe.

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