Learn From Their Multi-Million Dollar Mistakes!

Written by A. T. Rendon

Continued from page 1

Our web site is TINY by comparison to x10, yet we have managed to increase our overall revenues by over 1000% directly because of affiliate commissions.

Better to sell something for a commission that to lose your visitor forevermore.

What else could they have done with such a huge amount of traffic?

They could have offered visitors a referral affiliate program so that they could refer friends and family and perhaps earn a little something for their trouble.

X10 got off to a slow start here also.

They now have a program in place but all they offer you to earn is a credit to be used on those products that no one seems to want to buy anyway!

How about some entertainment?

They completely lost sight ofrepparttar "sticky" value.

Here you have a company that offers these great looking little cameras that will fit intorepparttar 134577 palm of your hand yet all they do is DESCRIBE it!

They could have easily become a major "ENTERTAINMENT" center for those millions upon millions of visitors.

All they had to do was to hook up those cameras to "SHOW" people how they worked!

Visitors would have had a reason to stay longer than just 20 seconds and they would have had a great reason to come back for more.

The "Viral" effects of word-of-mouth, (or is that word-of-mouse?), would have kept those millions of visitors coming to their web site daily yet also it would have also allowed them to scale back on their advertising campaign expenditures.

And seeing practical example of how a product works helpsrepparttar 134578 product to sell itself.

A little creativity at x10 would have gone a long way.

It just goes to show you that even if you have millions of dollars to spend for exposure and you get millions of visitors to your web site, it won't do you any good if you don't know what to do with them.

A.T.Rendon is an entrepreneur and published writer. Subscribe to FREE Business Classifieds Newsletter & receive FREE online access to our Password Protected "FREE Submit To Over 2.6 MILLION FREE Ad Sites!" mailto:subscribe_fbcn9@emailexchange.org Visit us at:http://emailexchange.org/?articles

Set Your Website In Order

Written by Candice Pardue

Continued from page 1

1. Staterepparttar purpose of your website atrepparttar 134576 very beginning ofrepparttar 134577 homepage.

2. Give a description, welcome, or presentation of your website onrepparttar 134578 homepage if possible.

3. If you have a banner on your web page, placerepparttar 134579 banner/graphic atrepparttar 134580 very top of your page, before "any" writing (including your headline), or atrepparttar 134581 very bottom of your web page, after your entire presentation.

4. Place your navigation links onrepparttar 134582 left or right side of your web page. You may also place links atrepparttar 134583 top and/or bottom of your page. But, try to avoid placing navigation links or graphics inrepparttar 134584 middle of your web page presentation. This will distractrepparttar 134585 visitor from readingrepparttar 134586 important information about your website.

5. Narrow your website to only a few products which compliment one another. Concentrate on these at first, and then expand to other "related" products once you've built a solid visitor base.

The five above tips are given from experience. I've had to learn these methods through trial and error, but you can now learn from my experience and begin your new website with organization and an appeal to your visitors.

Use these tips to make a lasting impression on your visitors, and increase your potential for website success.

Article written by Candice Pardue, editor of Web Design Weekly. Learn some unique table designs using Netscape Composer in the Web Design Training Course Part 2. Go here for details... http://www.webmastercourse.com/wdc-part2/

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