Let The Email Wars Begin

Written by Jim Edwards

Continued from page 1

Besides storage space, Google, Yahoo! and Hotmail will start claiming that their spam filters rate better thanrepparttar rest.

These online powerhouses hope to attract users withrepparttar 109535 promise of cutting down and even eliminatingrepparttar 109536 avalanche of get-rich-quick, pornography, and ink-jet cartridge offers (among others) that bombard virtually anyone with an email account more than 15 minutes old.

This will, however, lead to another problem that many of them won't talk about, which involves filtering legitimate email as spam.

Unfortunately,repparttar 109537 sword cuts both ways on this issue.

So where does it all end? Never! Hotmail will enterrepparttar 109538 fray with expanded storage capacity as well asrepparttar 109539 promise of less spam and a more "friendly" interface to make your email life even easier.

Yahoo! and Hotmail will most likely copy Google and start serving context sensitive advertising based onrepparttar 109540 content of each email message as it get viewed.

Privacy advocates will weigh in to claim that all ofrepparttar 109541 filtering and serving of ads based on an email message's content violates our rights to privacy and heraldsrepparttar 109542 arrival of "Big Brother."

But all this jockeying for position and enticing users from one email service to another actually represents a great boon forrepparttar 109543 average Internet user.

It will force three ofrepparttar 109544 Web's biggest players to wake up and improve their services after 2 or 3 years of "business as usual" and we can all expect a few valuable innovations to result.

Jim Edwards is a syndicated newspaper columnist and the co-author of an amazing new ebook that will teach you how to use fr-e articles to quickly drive thousands of targeted visitors to your website or affiliate links...http://www.TurnWordsIntoTraffic.com

Avoiding Blacklisting: Making Sure Your Email Gets Through

Written by Karen Fegarty

Continued from page 1

So how can you be sure you haven't been blacklisted? Unfortunately, you really can't be 100% sure. You may be on someone's black list and not even know it, and be added to and removed from black lists atrepparttar drop of a hat. The only way to prevent being blacklisted unfairly is to use today's technology to keep track of it all. There is cutting-edge software technology available that checks allrepparttar 109534 major black lists like Spamcop, MAPS, and SPAMHaus to ensure your domain or ISP hasn't been added.

Taking a few moments to understand and solve your potential blacklisting problem can mean a world of difference in your bottom line.


Author Karen Fegarty is with MailWorkZrepparttar 109535 creator of Black List Monitor-- advanced service that continuously checks allrepparttar 109536 major blacklists for you, and then some. Don't be treated unfairly! Keep a handle on who may have you blacklisted. Get a free trial and find out more at http://www.blacklistmonitor.com.


Author Karen Fegarty is with MailWorkZ the creator of Black List Monitor-- advanced service that continuously checks all the major blacklists for you, and then some. Don't be treated unfairly! Keep a handle on who may have you blacklisted. Get a free trial and find out more at http://www.blacklistmonitor.com.

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