Let Your People Shine

Written by Etienne A. Gibbs, MSW

Continued from page 1

Here are some suggestions that will help you get your employees to shine:

* Let them know that they are a valued and appreciated member ofrepparttar organization.

* Establish an active suggestion box campaign.

* Implementrepparttar 103587 practical and suggestions.

* Announce internally and publicize externallyrepparttar 103588 winning suggestion.

* Give credit where credit is due, before it is asked for.

* Keep employees informed about aspects that affect them and their jobs.

* Give frequent performance appraisals.

* Supportrepparttar 103589 educational pursuits of your employees.

* Most of all show them by your actions that you care about them.

Do these and watch your employees begin to shine! You will see it reflected in their attitude and in their performance.

Remember: When you maximize your potential, everyone wins. When you don't, we all lose.

© MMIV, Etienne A. Gibbs, MSW

Etienne A. Gibbs, MSW, Management Consultant and Trainer, offers a free health survey at http://eagibbs.usana.com and travel and related updates at www.ExecutiveAndGroupTravel.blogspot.com. Email him at eagibbs@ureach.com.

Global Communications and Offshore Company Formations

Written by Mike Dempsey

Continued from page 1

In an environment where global trade and business is becomingrepparttar norm, offshore incorporation is becoming more effective and popular among every level of business, with a proper structure in place offshore instruments facilitate long term strategic advantages that assist in maximization of profits while minimisingrepparttar 103586 hassles of international trade

These practical applications mentioned above are just a few ofrepparttar 103587 advantages that can be achieved through utilizing an offshore company to address global strategies.

Mike Dempsey works for http://www.incorporateacompany.com dealing with the online incorporation services.

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