Mindfulness and Panic: Ask Your Anxiety

Written by Maya Talisman Frost

Continued from page 1

We'd rather believe that our anxiety is due to biological factors so we can take a pill to deal with it. But masking panic is notrepparttar same as managing panic. If you want to transcend your anxiety, you've got to get torepparttar 128917 bottom of it.

The truth is that we only panic about things we don't feel confident handling.

If we don't handle a particular situation well, we dreadrepparttar 128918 next time we must face it. We doubt that we will ever handle it skillfully even if we have done so inrepparttar 128919 past. We worry about it--and then worry about worrying! Fearful avoidance becomes our new way of responding. Before we know it, we're stuck in panic purgatory.

Insert mindfulness here. Don't ask for anxiety--ask your anxiety. Focus onrepparttar 128920 first thought you have when that panic starts bubbling up and gently ask, "Why? Watch...then ask again. Play through several “why” cycles—and learn. Panic is simply misguided attention. We must learn to watchrepparttar 128921 ROOT (some element requiring greater self- esteem) instead ofrepparttar 128922 RESULT (all-night panic party) of our anxiety.

Ask your anxiety and listen carefully. Use mindfulness to help you redirect your attention, and you will learn to disconnect that panic button for good.

Maya Talisman Frost is a mind masseuse in Portland, Oregon. Through her company, Real-World Mindfulness Training, she teaches eyes-wide-open ways to get calm, clear and creative. To subscribe to her free weekly ezine, the Friday Mind Massage, please visit http://www.MassageYourMind.com

How To Improve Communications With Those Who Were Difficult To Communicate With In the Past And How To Enjoy Their Companionship Now

Written by Sonny JUlius

Continued from page 1

So here I was in a distant city this day calling on a certain apartment community to sell maintenance supplies. My goal was always to make as many calls as I could in one day and add as many new customers as I could sign up. Once I arrived onrepparttar complex I spotted a man who I assumed wasrepparttar 128916 maintenance supervisor hurrying downrepparttar 128917 sidewalk. I called out to him and he stopped.

Now here isrepparttar 128918 climax to this incident that day. I asked him if he wasrepparttar 128919 maintenance man and he agreed he was. I then introduced myself and proceeded to make my lenghty presentation pointing out allrepparttar 128920 benefits of my services and products. When I finally finishedrepparttar 128921 prospect looked at me with a very stern look on his face and said, " I don't haverepparttar 128922 authority to buy you'll have to talk torepparttar 128923 manager" I said, "Why didn't you tell me that before I began my presentation. He said," mister you talked so fast I couldn't get a word in at all.

Another sad part of this story was I was breaking in a new salesman. Not a very good lesson for someone just starting out withrepparttar 128924 company. In addition to that, I finally went torepparttar 128925 manager to make my pitch to her without success. Even though I asked her questions before I started talking she wasn't a bit interested in changing vendors.

Since I'm a very positive thinking person, I didn't let that incident discourage me. In retrospect it probably wasrepparttar 128926 best thing to happen. I learned a valuable lesson and so didrepparttar 128927 new salesman as well. After that I learned to first ask questions and then listen intensely torepparttar 128928 response I get. Consequently my closing rate became much more successful.

If you have lost contact with a family member, a good friend or have had difficulty making new friends because of poor communication skills I hoperepparttar 128929 above story will help you solve your situation.

Sonny Julius is a 74 year old retired sales supervisor. His interest in the internet eventually led him to write an ebook geared to senior citizens. The ebook is a guide for living the senior lifestyle.

“How To Have The Time Of Your Life For The Rest Of Your Life” For more information go to: http://www.absolutelysenior.com

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