Money Saving Travel Tips

Written by Ali Moazami

Continued from page 1

3. Join The Club

Inrepparttar last few years some very interesting specialty clubs have formed forrepparttar 134194 sole purpose of helping you save money when you travel. Sponsored by hotels, car rental companies and more who understand how competitiverepparttar 134195 market is, these niche clubs can save you a boatload of money.

Membership in these clubs often consists of buying a coupon book of savings. These clubs are oftenrepparttar 134196 salvation forrepparttar 134197 traveller who can't plan ahead since their deep discounts don't rely on advanced bookings.

Don't overlookrepparttar 134198 savings these small 'discount clubs' can bring. You will often save 50% or more on brand-name accommodations.

4. Ask Around

Here'srepparttar 134199 oldest savings trick inrepparttar 134200 book. Ask an experienced traveller what they do when they travel.

People who travel often love to share 'insider secrets' with their friends who travel less often. It makes them feel good to help a friend and might just open up a deep discount you might have otherwise overlooked.

The bottom line when you travel is this. With a small amount of effort, and a little education, you can chop up to half off your travel expenses. These savings can go straight to your pocket or you might use them to upgrade from a 2 star hotel to a four-star hotel.

Either way, you will findrepparttar 134201 effort more than worthwhile.

******************************************************* Ali Moazami is an experienced traveller who helps people save huge amounts on their travel. To get first-class car rentals, airline tickets, hotels and more at economy prices just visit Ali at ravel.html No pressure or hyped up claims ... just real savings that go in YOUR pocket.

Ali Moazami is an experienced traveller who helps people save huge amounts on their travel. To get first-class car rentals, airline tickets, hotels and more at economy prices just visit Ali at No pressure or hyped up claims ... just real savings that go in YOUR pocket.

Fine Dining in Las Vegas

Written by Michele Zehner

Continued from page 1
repparttar Rio in Las Vegas.

Michele is a travel agent who has a particular interest in food and wine. As she travels, she writes articles on various fine dining restaurants.

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