Mortarless Bricks: The Wavering Walls of Globalization

Written by G.Brigaldino

Continued from page 1
by those who haverepparttar means and access torepparttar 125896 material fruits of globalization, seen as an incoherent and hierarchical form of capiltalist reproduction.

Article at:

As a social scientist and specialist in international cooperation, Glenn Brigaldino's writing focusses on international affairs. He is a member of Canadian e-book authors and also a contributing writer to the online venture Several of his e-books can be found at:

Colts’ stadium short on horse sense

Written by Kurt St. Angelo

Continued from page 1

But here’srepparttar real crux. The RCA Dome is perfectly good as it is, except for one basic flaw. No,repparttar 125895 flaw is NOTrepparttar 125896 size ofrepparttar 125897 Dome. Although it isrepparttar 125898 smallest inrepparttar 125899 league at 57,900 seats,repparttar 125900 Colts barely sellrepparttar 125901 Dome out even with ticket prices just belowrepparttar 125902 league’s average of $54.75.

The problem withrepparttar 125903 RCA Dome stems from how NFL teams share revenue. Owners keep their revenues from private luxury suites. Atrepparttar 125904 Dome, Colts owner Jim Irsay has 104 suites. The league’s most profitable franchise,repparttar 125905 Washington Redskins, has 280.

Irsay seeks a stadium with enough suites to give him a shot at a medium profit relative torepparttar 125906 rest ofrepparttar 125907 league. He would have already moved his franchise to Los Angeles had that city promised him a stadium with enough suites, which it could not afford to do.

So he and his franchise are leveraging Indianapolis and our state government into building him a stadium by 2008 that merely gives him more profit potential. Ironically, Irsay’s best selling point is that he will not also holdrepparttar 125908 city hostage by making it guarantee thatrepparttar 125909 suites it builds him will be sold. Huh? Until then,repparttar 125910 city expects to pay him at least $36 million to keeprepparttar 125911 Colts in town.

Compare this torepparttar 125912 real costs of a new stadium. Its $500 million price tag can triple byrepparttar 125913 time its bond is paid. Forrepparttar 125914 400 permanent jobs thatrepparttar 125915 stadium creates andrepparttar 125916 hundred or so new suites that are created, that amounts to a public investment of over $1 million per job and $3 million per luxury suite. Plus, we will build a stadium with no more capacity thanrepparttar 125917 original Hoosier Dome and, fromrepparttar 125918 looks ofrepparttar 125919 design, one with lousy viewing for NCAA basketball.

That’s maddening. Our elected officials are about to build another obsolete stadium with limited capacity, a poor configuration and an exorbitant price tag. They will again saddle us with public debt that is tall on political horseplay and short on horse sense.

Attorney, screen writer and former chair of the Libertarian Party of Marion County.

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