
Written by Peter Roe

Continued from page 1

It seems that every wayrepparttar new and hopeful Web marketer turns,repparttar 120643 way is blocked almost straight away. So what's a poor marketer to do? (And many WILL become or stay poor, if they don't adapt to these changes!)

Wellrepparttar 120644 bad news is thatrepparttar 120645 'bar to entry' torepparttar 120646 formerly quite simple world of web marketing is being progressively raised higher, and it's not going to go back down again.

It is simply no longer enough to buy a domain and put up your sales sites, regardless of how 'search engine friendly' they are. No amount of 'reciprocal linking' will now have much effect on your traffic, unless you can get links from major 'authority' sites - which is VERY unlikely!

How about paying for traffic? Well, if you sell fishing lures or model ship kits - go for it! Niche markets are a perfect fit for PPC, 'Adwords' andrepparttar 120647 like, provided that you can identify key words and phrases that will be searched on by your target market, but not by others.

But what if you are trying (like allrepparttar 120648 others) to sell ebooks about web marketing or related topics? The short answer is - forget it! Thanks to 'unlimited resale rights' and ready-made sales web sites, this market is now so unbelievably over-saturated thatrepparttar 120649 bid prices forrepparttar 120650 heavily-searched PPC keywords used in this business are so high it is almost impossible to make a profit on low ticket products.

OK, so followrepparttar 120651 advice ofrepparttar 120652 already-successful 'big name' web marketers - "Build your lists!" (compile 'opt-in' lists of interested visitors who sign up for a freebie).

Setting uprepparttar 120653 autoresponder systems necessary to do this has already added a 'technical' hurdle that keeps out many. But even if you are one of those who can get an email capture system working, how are you going to get your visitors to come? After all, no traffic = no list.

So is it time to pack up your web site and go back to posting out your mailers? Well, a little earlier I said 'the bad news is....'. So does that imply that 'midst all this gloom there is some GOOD news?

There is..... but only for some.

For those who believe that 'web marketing' is just a matter of cloning someone else's sales web page and maybe doing a bit of 'promotion' by submittingrepparttar 120654 cloned page to 500 FFA sites and search engines,repparttar 120655 dream is now over.

The sheer level of competition,repparttar 120656 thousands of others using exactlyrepparttar 120657 same web site to try to sell exactlyrepparttar 120658 same ebooks, andrepparttar 120659 new hostility ofrepparttar 120660 search engines to 'me too' web sites, mean that this approach can now be pronounced clinically dead.

BUT for those who are prepared to do their own thing, even if this means some hard work,repparttar 120661 prospects are good.

Even though from now on,repparttar 120662 hard fact is that making useful money fromrepparttar 120663 Web will become more of an effort than before, this actually represents a real opportunity for genuine 'netpreneurs' - those who are prepared to take a few chances and innovate.

The 'raised bar' will haverepparttar 120664 effect of beginning to thin outrepparttar 120665 hordes of copycat 'web marketers' who just endlessly recyclerepparttar 120666 same old sales web pages. And this in turn will openrepparttar 120667 way for those who go beyond this kind of mechanical 'wannabe' effort by adding something NEW torepparttar 120668 Internet.

So if you want to joinrepparttar 120669 relatively small band of those who are succeeding onrepparttar 120670 Web, start thinking out ofrepparttar 120671 box. Watch what allrepparttar 120672 others are doing.... then do something different!

By becoming a 'contrarian' you will be expressing your individuality, rather than just followingrepparttar 120673 herd.

And it pays!


Article copyright 2004, Peter Roe, Abacus TP Email:

Peter Roe isrepparttar 120674 author of The WebProfits home study course and webmaster of The Ebook Discount Warehouse at For some practical ideas on how to joinrepparttar 120675 new wave of successful web marketers, read more articles by Peter and others at _________________________________________________________

You may re-publish this article at your web site or in your ezine provided thatrepparttar 120676 following resource box is included atrepparttar 120677 end ofrepparttar 120678 article and you link torepparttar 120679 URL andrepparttar 120680 email address inrepparttar 120681 resource box.

Peter Roe owns and runs Abacus TP, publishers of a wide range of information products. Peter is the author of The WebProfits home study course and webmaster of The Ebook Discount Warehouse at

Don't Just Sit There, Write A Newsletter Article.

Written by Vern Anderson

Continued from page 1


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Your Bio has only your information in it for everyone reading your articles to see. Seerepparttar 120642 one below.

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