"Prime the Pump"

Written by Bob Osgoodby

Continued from page 1

How do you get known? First - throw awayrepparttar free email account. Second, get your own domain. There are companies competing with Network Solutions, and you can register your web site for as low as $13.50 - and then get a "no frills" web site for about six bucks a month with your own email accounts. Have we reachedrepparttar 101213 bottom of your pockets yet?

If so, you may wish to consider another line of work.

Next - find a few Ezines or Newsletters that have a decent circulation inrepparttar 101214 market you wish to target. Remember 5,000 subscribers that are in your target market, are far better than 100,000 that are not.

Finally, place an ad in those that match your business. Forget one time ads; they don't work. Get your ad in their face for at least seven issues -repparttar 101215 morerepparttar 101216 better - they will get to know you.

If you can't afford a minimal advertising budget, you're not really in business. That is called a hobby. Are there some free ads that work? Sure, but you can bet your life they can't be submitted "byrepparttar 101217 thousands", so forgetrepparttar 101218 automatic submission software - you're just wasting your money.

Have you "primedrepparttar 101219 pump"? If so, you can expect to get some water. Like any good business, if you reinvest your earnings in additional advertising, soon your cup will overfloweth.

Bob publishes the free weekly "Your Business" Newsletter Visit his Web Site at http://adv-marketing.com/business to subscribe. As a bonus, get 40,000 FREE E-Books from Larry Dotson, when you visit http://www.ldpublishing.com

Doesn't Have A Clue

Written by Bob Osgoodby

Continued from page 1

"Tired ofrepparttar "Rat Race"? Free online training and no capitol needed!" Did this guy mean "capital"? I'll hang on every word he has to say.

"Exciting,EasyandProfitable" - guess this person never learned how to use that big bar onrepparttar 101212 bottom ofrepparttar 101213 keyboard. I think you see where this article is going.

If you are going to advertise a business onrepparttar 101214 web, and you present less than a professional image - you're not going to do business. If you present yourself likerepparttar 101215 above examples, enjoy your "walk onrepparttar 101216 quiet side". Most people are not idiots, and I'm surerepparttar 101217 authors ofrepparttar 101218 above ads are not either. But why give that impression? I sure wouldn't do business with any one of them.

I read another ad for Web Design andrepparttar 101219 HTML coding in his ad was wrong. That sure built a lot of confidence.

Most people scan poorly constructed ads and simply "click away". Guess they feel like I do. If you don't care enough to write a credible ad, why should I think you'll care about me if I buy from you?

Many people rely too heavily onrepparttar 101220 spell checker on their computer. This is a mistake. After you do spell check, get someone else to read it. When writing something, many times you get so close torepparttar 101221 article, you miss mistakes that someone else would quickly find. Many words that are being used incorrectly will pass spell check.

Remember - you usually only get one "shot" when a person sees your ad. If it is well written, and has an attention getting headline, you just might make that sale. If you want to do business onrepparttar 101222 web, get serious or people will come torepparttar 101223 conclusion that you are someone who "Doesn't Have a Clue" and look elsewhere.

Bob publishes the free weekly "Your Business" Newsletter Visit his Web Site at http://adv-marketing.com to subscribe. As a bonus, get 40,000 FREE E-Books from Larry Dotson, when you visit http://www.ldpublishing.com

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