Raising Capital in 2002's New Economy

Written by Lee Traupel

Continued from page 1

Round three in dealing with venture capitalists or corporate investors. Don't (never!) be so desperate for capital that you agree to turn overrepparttar reins ofrepparttar 106413 company if you don't meet specific performance milestones based on a first or second round of funding. There are too many variables inrepparttar 106414 marketplace for you too control and you're taking too much risk for not enough upside. If this isrepparttar 106415 only way you can raise money from this venture firm or corporate investor then walk away, inrepparttar 106416 end you will be better off.

Here are some "cliff notes" on how to write a business plan - there is no set formula other than coveringrepparttar 106417 basics about your company; i.e. technology, market analysis, marketing/business development, competitive analysis, management team and a five year set of (detailed by month from startup to year three) financials. The Executive Summary (first 3-5 pages) isrepparttar 106418 most important, as it is a summary ofrepparttar 106419 entire plan and most investors read this carefully and scanrepparttar 106420 rest ofrepparttar 106421 business plan.

Don't get caught inrepparttar 106422 trap of endless rewrites based on investor feedback - put your plan through one or two reviews by your BOD members and or seasoned execs that will give you honest feedback. Oncerepparttar 106423 plan has been reviewed and approved then go to market with this iteration and stick to it - investors should be investing in you ultimately, not an artificial business plan that more often than not is out of date byrepparttar 106424 time you get to market.

Think about how you are going to market your company as you would any other product or service, blending traditional (fax, direct mail) with interactive processes (web site postings, e-mail, etc.). It's a numbers game, you have to aggressively market your company and be prepared to see a return of only 1-3% versus your output - 1K in direct or opt-in email may only lead to 10-20 casual inquiries, generating 5-7 serious conversations, resulting in 1-3 term sheets (what we will invest for "x" equity) discussions.

Finally,repparttar 106425 last and most important rule of all is be tenacious, there is no substitute for absolute commitment to growing your company by raising capital or bootstrapping it! Your vision, guts and passion will very often carryrepparttar 106426 day when/where others may give up!!

Lee Traupel has 20 plus years of business development and marketing experience - he is the founder of Intelective Communications, Inc. http://www.intelective.com, a marketing services and software company which provides strategic and tactical marketing services exclusively to small to medium sized companies. Lee@intelective.com Reprinted with permission from Intelective Communications Inc.

The Top 10 Things to Know About Transitions

Written by Susan Dunn

Continued from page 1

7. Transitions are wonderful opportunities for evolving.

8. Some transitions have to be accomplished afterrepparttar fact -- a car accident that leaves you blind, for instance, or a forced retirement, or sudden death of a loved on.

9. The more you fight a transition,repparttar 106412 harder you'll make it on yourself.

10. Coaching is excellent for transitions.

Susan Dunn is a personal and professional development coach, writer, speaker and teacher with an international clientele. Visit her on the web at http://www.susandunn.cc for FREE distance learning course and see why she has students all over the world. mailto:sdunn@susandunn.cc for FREE ezine, also global

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