Review: Nickel and Dimed

Written by Alyice Edrich

Continued from page 1

In reading Nickel and Dimed,repparttar reader is transformed from their cushy-lifestyle, and taken into a time and place that just doesn't seem to fit our ideals of "Livingrepparttar 109744 American Dream." The reader will get a first-hand feel of what it means to not have enough money to feed your family, but make too much to getrepparttar 109745 proper assistance one needs. The reader will see what it is like to work hard and have enough to pay for a small apartment, but instead have to live in a motel because there isn't enough money to come up withrepparttar 109746 required deposit and first month's rent. Andrepparttar 109747 reader will get a feel for how low income persons are treated and viewed byrepparttar 109748 upper (richer) class.

Nickel and Dimed is a book that should be read by every political leader, as well as every political person onrepparttar 109749 rise torepparttar 109750 top. Whilerepparttar 109751 Declaration of Independence gives each Americanrepparttar 109752 right to life, liberty, andrepparttar 109753 pursuit of happiness, that road is often paved by many hard-working people who need to be reminded, every once in a while, that just because one is poor, doesn't mean one is less! And it most definitely doesn't mean that one is seekingrepparttar 109754 easy way out, or asking for a "hand-out." It is time our political leaders take a stand in this country and offer more inrepparttar 109755 way of better working conditions, wages, and health benefits for those working their way fromrepparttar 109756 bottom up!

Alyice Edrich is a freelance writer specializing in helping busy parents balance life. Visit her online for free information on how she can help you succeed, today.

Clay Aiken To Join Olga Brunner At Fearless Caregiver Conference

Written by Thomas Cutler

Continued from page 1

Brunner understands this entrepreneurial option. Asrepparttar founder of A Good Daughter, Inc., she has applied her knowledge ofrepparttar 109743 Health Care Industry andrepparttar 109744 care ofrepparttar 109745 elderly into a superior caring service having joined forces with R.N. Mary Lynne Beringer. Togetherrepparttar 109746 two champions of senior caregiving and healthcare will discuss obstacles andrepparttar 109747 experiences that lead them to start their own very successful caregiving company.

For more information aboutrepparttar 109748 Fearless Caregiver Conference, April 16th,repparttar 109749 presentation at FAU, April 20th, or A Good Daughter email e-mail protected from spam bots or call 800-963-3877.



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